Telia does not raise the price of the Premier League – VG


ATTRACTIVE PHOTOS: Mohamed Salah and Liverpool evoke the Norwegian people’s willingness to pay. Photo: Paul Ellis / POOL / AFP POOL

The dramatic increase in the Premier League award has sparked reactions. Now Telia is going against the grain and therefore remains below TV 2 Sumo’s new monthly price.

– The prices that we obtain from TV 2 are approximate, and we are the ones who decide the price for our clients. We could price “everyone else,” but we have chosen not to in order to offer the best price, says Telia’s communications director Henning Lunde.

Last week, Canal Digital raised the price of the Premier League package from 499 to 699, an increase of about 40 percent.

Altibox followed and increased to NOK 649, while Telenor’s Te-We and RiksTV have not announced any changes.

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TV 2 Sumo, the channel’s own streaming product, has also increased the price of its soccer package to NOK 519 a month.

This means that Telia is now cheaper than the TV 2 product itself.

– Norwegians love English football, and we hope that more people who are happy to follow their favorite team will now see that we have the cheapest prize in the Premier League and then they can choose Telia, says Lunde when asked why they chose PL as a bargaining chip for customers.

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Strong reactions

TV 2, for its part, justified an increase in the cost of the rights and therefore set the recommended price.

The price increase has created strong reactions among viewers, and VG commentator Leif Welhaven believes that TV 2 wants to position itself for the future with its TV 2 Sumo streaming service.

Get, which has now changed its name to Telia, had a heartbreaking conflict with TV 2 in the early summer, which led to black screens for several weeks. The parties agreed, after an intense war of words, to extend the agreement indefinitely, but Lunde denies that the price has anything to do with the TV 2 conflict.

– Like all other distributors, we were informed of the same new indicative price for TV 2. They will not discriminate against us on price. We think this is what it takes to be a market leader, says Lunde.

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– Super

Morten Wiberg is manager of radio and television at Carat media agency, and is following development. He thinks Telia’s move is “exciting.”

– Telia will be able to attract customers on a platform they are planning, Telia Play. If they still make money from this, that’s great – it puts other distributors in a bad position, says Wiberg.

Lunde stubbornly asserts that there is no connection to the TV 2 conflict and this pricing assessment, and Wiberg, viewing the case from the outside, sees no reason to doubt it.

– I don’t see it as a declaration of war. These conflicts crop up from time to time and there are many different negotiation strategies, says Wiberg.

Premier league

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