Tegnell is this year’s Swedish media rocket: accelerating in Norway


He was an unknown health bureaucrat in 2019. In 2020, he has become one of the most talked about and controversial people in the Nordic region. State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell is this year’s media rocket, writes the Swedish news agency TT.

Every year TT and the Retriever media analysis agency host the most talked about people in the Swedish media.

Read also: Tegnell: – Going the wrong way

This year’s result shows that Anders Tegnell is the third most talked about person in the Swedish media in 2020, second only to US President Donald Trump and Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven.

– Almost world famous

– It happens from nowhere to become not only a Swedish celebrity, but almost a global celebrity, says Retriever analyst Sofia Cottmann to TT, reproduced in the Aftonbladet newspaper.

Anders Tegnell has replaced Greta Thunberg:

In 2019, it was Greta Thunberg who became Sweden’s media rocket, when she went from being an unknown 16-year-old student to becoming one of the most talked about and controversial climate activists in the world.

Greta Thunberg was ranked third in the 2019 Swedish Retriever Survey, but this year has dropped to 17th.

The topic of the corona pandemic has broken all previous records for coverage in the Retriever Swedish media poll, TT writes.

Norway: from 0 to 3100 in 12 months

In Norway, “Tegnell” has gone from zero hits in the Retriever media archive for 2019 to over 3,100 hits in 2020, a simple search shows.

The Retriever archive includes several Norwegian online and print newspapers, and also maps cases on radio and television. The service is not complete, but it gives a good idea of ​​the amount of publicity.

Tegnell has more hits for 2019 than Löfven and Thunberg.

But Erna Solberg and Donald Trump are far ahead in the number of hits on Retriever, at nearly 50,000 each, Dagsavisen’s simple search shows.

The Norwegian Retriever analysis after the first half of 2020, reproduced on Media 24, had no Swedes in the top 20 list.

COMMENTARY: Sweden is not always the best
