Talk about romance rumors in Skavlan – VG


Former Swedish politician Mona Sahlin (63) experienced a storm of rumors about her relationship with her own bodyguard.

Sahlin also says he went into a severe depression when it was revealed four years ago by printing a salary certificate for a former bodyguard, declaring too high a salary. The certificate, which was issued on the authorities’ letterhead, was used to buy an apartment in Saltsjöbaden, on the outskirts of Stockholm.

At the time, the former leader of the Social Democrats was the Swedish government’s coordinator in the fight against violent extremism, a position she later had to resign.

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After the reveal, there was also a flurry of rumors about Mona Sahlin’s relationship with this bodyguard, clearly annoying her as she sits in the Skavlan studio with the host at the link.

On Saturday’s season premiere on TV2, Fredrik Skavlan asks, among other things, if he understands that many ask why he went so far for his own bodyguard.

– I can understand many questions, but why do questions arise around me? Who should have a love affair with my bodyguard? He is happily married, I married him, I am happily married to Bosse for 40 years. Why does a political woman suddenly receive the rumor that she has a lover? she asks.

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To emphasize the point, Mona Sahlin adds, facing the empty studio she’s sitting in:

– If it had been the audience here, I would have asked them: How many people think I have a lover? So I think 80 percent answered yes. And it hurts, says Mona Sahlin.

Throughout her long political career, Mona Sahlin has had problems with employees and the tax authorities several times, which has also hurt her politically. However, she has always come back, but after the 2016 episode, she went into a depression that led to her withdrawing from the public.

Until now.

To Fredrik Skavlan, he also explains how depression behaved.

– It was a depression. You wake up in the morning, you don’t remember what you did yesterday, you don’t know what to do tomorrow. To get out of bed, you must first speak with your right leg and say; “Now get up and sit down.” Nothing in her body worked, says Sahlin, who adds that her thoughts of self-pity at one point made her consider whether she was worth existing.

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