Swedish company: – Vaccine in December


The Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter reports that a corona vaccine may be ready by the end of December. It is the CEO of the Swedish-British company AstraZeneca, Pascal Soriot, who tells the newspaper that they are approaching a vaccine.

Soriot believes that they may become the first company in the world to distribute a vaccine.

They are now in what is described as test phase 3. This means, among other things, that 50,000 people from different countries are participating in the test.

– The authorities that are going to make a decision about the vaccine work continuously with our data. If they’re quick enough when we’re ready with the test results, we can start vaccinating people in January, possibly as early as the end of December, Soriot tells Dagens nyheter.

I don't agree with the crown rule

I don’t agree with the crown rule

Variable optimism

Predictions of when a corona vaccine is ready vary almost from week to week. Previously, Health Minister Bent Høie has stated that the most optimistic forecasts show that a current vaccine in Norway can be approved during 2020 and be available in early 2021.

At the end of October, the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, came out and said that the vaccines will not reach the EU countries in earnest until April next year, according to the Reuters news agency.

– The large quantity of supplies will start in April, von der Leyen told a press conference, adding that in the best case, companies can deliver up to 50 million vaccines to the EU per month.

TIGHTEN IN: On Thursday, Prime Minister Erna Solberg introduced new strict restrictions to fight corona infection. Photo: NTB
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Uncertainty prevails

The European head of the WHO, Hans Kluge, warned earlier this fall against the belief that a vaccine would solve the crown crisis. The director general of the Swedish Public Health Authority, Johan Carlson, and the Swedish state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell, have also made it clear that a vaccine alone does not mean a solution to the corona pandemic in Sweden.

Director Camilla Stoltenberg of the National Institute of Public Health said after the EU announcement on the corona vaccine that the news was as expected.

– Your estimates for when the first vaccine arrives in the EU and Norway will vary. We must hope that there will also be new information and estimates on this in the future. The National Institute of Public Health is very interested in saying that there is uncertainty associated with many points related to this, Stoltenberg told Dagbladet.
