Suspect after Portland shooting killed by police – VG


DEAD: A Trump supporter was shot and killed during demonstrations in Portland, USA. Photo: SERGIO OLMOS / REUTERS

The man who was a suspect after a Trump supporter was shot and killed during a rally in Portland is said to have died when police tried to arrest him Monday night.

The New York Times and the AP news agency report.

Portland police are said to have searched for the man on Thursday, and then the FBI and US Marshals are said to have found him in Lacey, southwest of Seattle. According to the AP news agency, Michael Reinoehl is said to have pointed a pistol at federal agents, who then responded by shooting him.

Reinoehl, who according to the New York Times wrote on Instagram that “it’s 100 percent Antifa, right up until the end,” said in an interview with Vice News early Thursday that he acted in self-defense.

– I didn’t have a choice. Or I mean, I had a choice. I could sit back and watch them kill one of my colored friends. I wouldn’t do that, he says in the interview.

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Background: a person shot to death during demonstrations

Clash with Trump supporters

It was Saturday, a short week since Trump supporter Aaron J. Danielson was shot and killed when a 600-car column of 2,500 Trump supporters joined forces with the Black Lives Matter protesters. Danielson was a member of the radical right-wing group Patriot Prayer.

Portland has been marked by violent demonstrations every night for the past three months, following the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis in late May.

The Trump administration sent federal security forces earlier this summer to take control of the unrest, but last weekend, Gov. Kate Brown said the forces would begin to gradually withdraw on Thursday of this week. It was decided after negotiations between the United States government and the Oregon state authorities.

At the same time, US Attorney William Bar said security forces would be dispatched to three new cities; Cleveland, Detroit and Milwaukee.

The president signed a directive Wednesday threatening to cut funding for what he defines as “lawless” cities, including Portland, according to Reuters.

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