Strong increase in corona infection in Stockholm – VG


STATE PIDEMIOLOGIST: Anders Tegnell at a press conference in April 2020. Photo: Pontus Orre

Between September 17 and 24, 855 new cases of infection were registered in Stockholm. The week before, 445 were registered.

This means that the number of infected people registered in Stockholm has almost doubled in the last week compared to the previous week. And if you look at the figures from three weeks ago, then there were 248 cases of infection.

The infection in the Swedish capital has increased considerably recently.

– He took a big step between weeks 37 and 38. And it continues this week. We see a break in the trend, says Maria Rotzén Östlund, acting physician for infection control in the Stockholm region for TT, reproduced by Aftonbladet.

She says the infection affects both men and women of different age groups.

The state epidemiologist in Sweden, Anders Tegnell, said during a press conference on Thursday that the events in Sweden are worrying.

– It goes slowly but surely in the wrong direction, something we talk about may happen during the fall when we get back to work, he said.

On September 24, 24,594 people were found infected in the Stockholm region, and 2403 had died as a result of COVID-19, according to regional statistics.

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