Sports referee (29) sentenced to five and a half years in prison


The 29-year-old man has been sentenced to five years and six months in prison.

It appears in a recent ruling by the Bergen District Court.

I may not judge again

The sports referee is also disqualified from the right to work as a referee, coach, hold other positions, positions or be a member of sports clubs or associations indefinitely. The same applies to other roles in organized and unorganized activities for children and youth.

You are also denied access to social media accounts, including Facebook, Messenger, SnapChat and Instagram, and any other social media of the same nature, as well as a user account on Skype indefinitely.

He is also sentenced to pay a total of 660,000 kroner in compensation to seven of the victims.

– It is recorded that the accused has been sentenced to a penalty and payment of reparation. Of course, such compensation will never do, or repair, what victims are exposed to, but it is a discretionary patch on the wound determined by the court, assistant attorney Tom-Daniel Karlstad tells Nettavisen.

The court notes that several of the incidents occurred while the victims were at home or at school. This is aggravating.

Words like “cunning” and “ruthless” are words that the district court uses when approaching children it abused.

I had to squat naked

Before the deduction, the court reached a total sentence of eight years in prison. Two years were then deducted for confession and another six months for violations to which the judge has been subjected during his custody in Bergen prison.

There he has carried out 86 body searches from the arrest to March. This has included inspecting the body completely without clothing when performing deep squats.

The body searches must have been carried out, among other things, after a meeting with a lawyer and relatives in prison, between interrogations and court hearings.

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Ombudsman Bertil Rønnestad will take time to read the verdict.

– I am aware that the sentence is less than the plaintiff’s claim of seven years in prison. I will review the verdict with the client next week and consider whether we should appeal, Rønnestad tells BA.

27 victims

The judge appeared in Bergen District Court from September 28 to October 2, and in the five-page indictment he was charged with various criminal offenses against a total of 27 victims, including:

For having had sexual relations with children under 16 years of age.

For having had sexual relations with children between 14 and 16 years of age or for forcing a child between 14 and 16 years of age to perform acts similar to sexual relations with themselves.

Inciting children under the age of 16 to engage in sexually abusive or other obscene behavior

For having obtained or another sexual relationship due to abuse of position, dependency or relationship of trust

For having produced, acquired or possessed the description of sexual abuse of children or the description of sexualized children.

Repentant sinner

A district court decision can be appealed and it is currently unknown whether the 29-year-old will seize the opportunity. In that case, you must appeal within two weeks from the date the sentence was rendered or served.

The man appeared as a repentant sinner in court and repeatedly apologized for his own actions.

It is terrible to sit here and know what has been done, said on the way.

The man was very active on social media and sent a boy a good night message every day for 599 days.

Over and over in court he broke down in tears and said that what he had done was bad, scary and incredibly stupid.

I am left with the feeling of having failed many. Many are scared, disappointed, and cursed, and they have every reason to be. I will never be able to restore trust, the defendant said, among other things.

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