Spoke to Kiwi – continue as store manager


The day after Dagsavisen Fremtiden wrote that Inge Holtlien resigns as Kiwi Mjøndalen store manager, after disagreements with Kiwi centrally on how the store should be run, it is decided that she will continue at work.

This was made clear during a meeting between Kiwi management and the Holtlien family on Wednesday, who have run the store for more than 30 years.

– Today, those involved met and spoke. It was a good meeting and we want to look forward. Today we have agreed that Vidar Holtlien will continue as a franchisee at KIWI Mjøndalen and his son Inge will continue to be part of the store, says press manager Kristine Aakvaag Arvin.

Also Read: Finish As Store Manager According To Kiwi Requirement – Gives Too Much To The Local Community

Boycott calls

No one was prepared for the enormous compromise the case would create. After Dagsavisen Fremtidens sak was published, social media was flooded with messages of support for the store manager and calls to boycott Kiwi.

Dagsavisen Fremtiden was told by the store manager on Tuesday that he did not want to be at work anymore, because Kiwi had made demands that he thought had a negative effect on community engagement and the store’s customer service.

However, now the store manager has chosen to continue at work. On Wednesday, the Fremtiden newspaper tried to contact Inge Holtlien, to obtain an answer as to why she continues to choose to continue in the position, but without success.

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There was talk of silence about sponsorship

The daily Fremtiden has asked Kiwi centrally about the number of employees, the amount of sponsorship to the local community and the return of merchandise has been a topic in the meetings with Inge or Vidar Holtlien. They do not want to answer this.

– We cannot go into what is the subject in internal meetings, says Aakvaag Arvin.

They also don’t want to answer whether Inge Holtlien has misunderstood the expectations Kiwi has set for the way the store is run.

We have also asked Kiwi a key question about the amount of local initiative sponsorship that should be reduced. Here, Kiwi responds centrally that it is the franchisee who decides the degree of support for local teams and associations.

– Do you have to go down with a purchase from the store?

– This is not a current issue as it has been decided that the current owner will remain the owner of the store.

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– I can’t go into all the details.

Kiwi believes that there are several sides to this problem, which are not in the spotlight.

– This boring case has been skewed in the media. As in most other media cases, this case also has different sides, and we ask for it to be understood that unfortunately we cannot go into all the details for various reasons, they write in a press release.

In a meeting with Dagsavisen Fremtiden after the post Tuesday night, store manager Inge Holtlien and franchisee Vidar Holtlien, for their part, argue that there are no errors in the presentation of the Dagsavisen Fremtidens case. Before the case, Inge Holtlien had the case read in its entirety.

– We emphasize that the background of the dialogue on a possible change of ownership has not been related to support for local sports and cultural life. Of course, Kiwi will continue to support the local community in Mjøndalen, says Aakvaag Arvin.

Vidar Holtlien told Dagsavisen Fremtiden on Wednesday that they agreed not to comment further, but denied to Dagsavisen Fremtiden and Eikerbladet that this has anything to do with generational change.
