Someone has to stop it – VG


ALSO: Bob Woodward is one of the two journalists behind the 1974 Watergate scandal revelations. Photo: JIM WATSON / AFP

– If a thousand people died in plane crashes every day, would the president follow up promoting United Airlines? Of course not, but that’s what’s going on here, says Trump’s journalist and author.

«Don’t be afraid of the covid. Don’t let life rule », Donald Trump tweeted on Monday when announced that he would be discharged from Walter Reed Hospital that night.

The statement has drawn reactions, most recently from Health Minister Bent Høie and Norwegian health leaders at Tuesday’s press conference on the status of the crown in Norway.

One of those who reacted strongly to Trump’s remarks is Gloria Borger, a political commentator for CNN.

Monday signed Twitter:

If 1,000 people die every day in plane crashes, the president would say: Don’t be afraid to fly? Don’t be afraid to let it dominate your travel plans.

– Here I agree with Gloria Borger. It’s a good metaphor for the situation. When I saw your (Trump) tweet, I thought it wasn’t possible, not even for Donald Trump. But that’s it.

Bob Woodward, a Washington Post commentator, said in an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on the show The situation room, posted yesterday.

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After three nights in the hospital, Walter Reed returned to the White House Monday night. Trump has been hospitalized since Saturday night.

After returning to the White House, he removed the bandage and repeated the call that people should not fear the coronavirus.

In the video below, you can see the press conference where Trump’s doctor, Sean Conley, responds on the course of Donald Trump’s illness:

No time for Dr. Fauci

CNN released a new audio recording of the conversations between Woodward and Trump yesterday. The two have spent hours talking on the phone regarding the book “Rage,” which Woodward has written about the president.

After the book was published, Donald Trump defended himself.

In the March 19 interview, Bob Woodward asks Donald Trump about his relationship with infection control expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, who heads the White House crown team.

– It does a good job and it’s good, says Trump, among other things.

– Did you sit alone with him?

– Honestly, this is not the time. This is the White House and it’s busy. “We had two options: shut down the country and potentially save millions or hundreds of thousands of lives or do nothing and see how the bodies are disposed of every day,” Trump said.

– Who put you in that way of thinking? Asks Woodward.

– It was me, Trump answers.

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Triggered by Trump: – People should be terrified of this virus

“Someone has to intervene”

When Woodward goes to comment on this during yesterday’s interview on CNN, he responds:

He (Trump) said he was too busy to sit down with the nation’s top infection control expert at a time when the pandemic was spreading. Nothing has changed since then. Key people around him said this was the biggest threat to security from a medical point of view and to his presidency. It was presented to him early with evidence that the pandemic was on its way. He denied it. Its handling is so miserable, poor and irresponsible, says Woodward.

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Woodward believes that someone needs to “step in.”

“The White House staff, and especially Republican senators, cannot allow this to continue without intervening,” Woodward said, adding that it didn’t have to be very dramatic.

But the message to the president must be that he cannot continue as he is now. He must see what he does to his family, his party, himself, and his own heritage. Someone has to stop him, says Woodward.

Nearly 211,000 people have died from the coronavirus in the United States, the majority worldwide. The United States is also the country with the most infected in total, according to the figures of the VG crown summary for Norway and the world.

Former White House Communications Director David Gergen Photo: DARREN ORNITZ, Reuters

“Almost as if we were in the hands of a maniac”

In another interview on CNN, former presidential adviser and former White House communications director David Gergen also comments on Trump’s tweet.

He has never seen a president behave like the president is behaving right now, he says.

– Some days I feel almost like in the hands of a madman. We should all be happy that the president has made progress and is going home. But we should be freaked out by the lessons it brings, the very idea that people shouldn’t be afraid of covid, says Gerken, among other things.

And it continues:

– Sends a signal that people don’t have to worry about infection, he says.

Gergen believes that the result may be that many die.

– How many people in Trump’s inner circle have been affected by the disease recently? At least a dozen. How many in Joe Biden’s inner circle are affected? Zero. One approach works, the other doesn’t, Gergen says.

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