Soccer, Sports | Here are the best sports tweets of this year 2020


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The sporting year 2020 has been a very eventful one, also outside the arena. Twitter should take a lot of credit for that.

A lot of gold appears there for a year. Here are the Twitter messages that made us laugh in 2020.

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1: A man of many talents!

2: When you have very little to do:

3: Footballers were also greatly affected by the consequences of the crown. Here by Mohammed Ahamed from Tromsø:

4: The national emergency team on the PST radar?

5: When 2020 couldn’t be better / worse, since …

6: Regret is never fun:

7: When Avisa Nordland has another argument to increase the budget line regarding the improvement of the editorial office:

8: Rene Lars Monsen!

9: Norwegians tend to irritate people abroad.

10: Throw the first stone, the one that doesn’t get mad at something like this:

11: Who had NOT seen this?

12: When you say advertising doesn’t work:

13: When you’re determined not to let the poisoning get to your head, but forget to include the Twitter admin in the instructions:

14: When you are called for the national emergency team and you win online the same day:

15: What a feat!

16: We had bought this game.

17: Look-a-likes is not easy. But sometimes you find gold.

18: Sometimes it is not wise to let the receptionist control the TV match selections just because it is hard:

19: A modern classic:

20: They haven’t thought of this before!

Did you like this one? Then you will probably also find a lot of gold in the nominations from previous years:

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