Siv Jensen very clear about the refugee quota: – One of our important demands


– It will be a somewhat expensive token action by the government when we can help many more in the surrounding areas for the same money, says Jensen during an interview on Politisk kvarter in NRK on Thursday morning.

When the state budget proposal was presented on Wednesday, it was clear that the ruling parties expect to receive 3,000 quota refugees next year. At the same time, the target of spending 1% of gross national income (GNI) on development assistance is maintained.

– FRP means business

Jensen is clear that the FRP will demand cuts in the number of refugees from the quota in this year’s budget negotiations.

– This is one of our important demands, and I think the government should take into account that Frp takes the demands we make seriously. But then we negotiate in a closed room, and then it is the sum of the progress we can make in the negotiations that will decide whether the FRP agrees with the ruling parties or if we do not agree with them.

KrF leader warns of tough rounds

KrF leader Kjell Ingolf Ropstad says he believes there will be some difficult rounds of negotiations and assures that KrF will stand firm on the target of the refugee quota and aid.

– I hope that these negotiations are about international solidarity, but also about what we can do to ensure that more people get a job, he tells the channel.
