SIAN, Siv Jensen | Former Justice Minister created storm after possible assassination: now he receives a response from Siv Jensen


– We do not know anything about the motive, says FRP leader Siv Jensen, after hints from a party colleague about a politically motivated murder.

Former Justice Minister Per-Willy Amundsen (Frp) posted a Facebook post on Sunday linking the murder investigation after the killing of Sian member Dan-E claim Lid in Kristiansand to left-wing violence in politics.

“Has ‘good hatred’ cost lives? The hatred of the far left must be taken seriously. One can think what one wants of SIAN, but everyone has the right to freedom of expression. Therefore, I hope the police will put all the necessary resources to solve the case. The violent left is a danger to democracy. I hope for a long time that this is not a politically motivated murder, “Amundsen wrote on Facebook Sunday.

The statements make Rødt’s leader, Bjørnar Moxnes, react strongly.

“I hope that Siv Jensen immediately enters the field and distances himself from Amundsen’s speculations. We can disagree on many things, but somewhere there must be a limit. Frp should agree with that too,” Moxnes writes on Facebook.

Also read: Fear SIAN member was exposed to something criminal: Shock reactions on social media

Jensen: – It’s not natural.

Now FRP leader Siv Jensen is commenting on his party colleague’s controversial statements for the first time.

– It is not natural to have a comment on an ongoing investigation. We don’t know anything about the reason or what it could have been. We are confident that the police are doing their job, Jensen says in an email comment to Nettavisen.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Oslo 20170404. Finance Minister Siv Jensen and Justice Minister Per Willy Amundsen present the Government's work to limit the scope of unsecured credit and consumer loans.

ANATURAL: FRP leader Siv Jensen says it is unnatural to comment on a murder investigation and that he is happy that Amundsen has clarified his remarks.
Photo: Terje Pedersen (NTB)

When asked if Jensen wants to elaborate on whether he thinks this is okay, he responds:

– I am glad that Per-Willy himself corrected his statements on his Facebook yesterday.

However, Jensen does not have the opportunity to be interviewed about the case.

Also read: Dan-E claim Lid, member of Sian, found dead: – PST involved in investigation

Moxnes: – It’s unheard of

Moxnes believes the allegations are unacceptable and unworthy.

“It’s less than a day since a human being was killed, and then former Justice Minister Per-Willy Amundsen uses the death to try to blacken Rødt by connecting our members to the murder. It is unheard of, unacceptable, and unworthy. And it can also endanger the safety of life and health of Red members. Because although Amundsen has no basis for what he says, this can help fuel hatred against the people who are part of Rødt. So this is not only sad, but also dangerous, ”he writes on Facebook.

The red leader tells Nettavisen that he does not want to elaborate on this.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Press conference on the government's third crisis package Oslo 20200331. Bjørnar Moxnes after the press conference in the Storting after negotiations with the government on a third crisis package.

NOT HEARD: Red leader Bjørnar Moxnes reacts strongly to Amundsen’s Facebook post. – It is unheard of, unacceptable and unworthy. And it can also endanger the safety of life and health of Red members, he says.
Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum (NTB scanpix)

– Completely on the beat of the band

Rødt’s group leader in Oslo City Council, Eivor Evenrud, also takes a hard line against the post.

“The public political debate has been very low today. The moment you are at a party and you drink the last sip of the glass, not seeing that nobody has dull a smoke in your glass. About there we are now, completely in the gavel. Listen; there is absolutely no one who is interested in listening to politicians of the right and left speculate and argue about the motives for the ongoing murder investigations. Do you listen? None, “he writes on Facebook.

Evenrud believes that it is both “unworthy, dangerous, degrading and wrong for elected politicians to use the current criminal case in Kristiansand to promote / blacken / substantiate various political positions.”

Click the pic to enlarge.  Evenrud portrait

ANSWER: The leader of Rødt’s group in Oslo City Council, Eivor Evenrud, believes that Amundsen’s remarks are dangerous.
Photo: Heidi Schei Lilleås

– It was not my intention

However, later on Sunday, Amundsen posted a clarification on his Facebook page, for which FRP leader Siv Jensen says he is happy:

“I see that my status is being used for all it is worth to accuse me of prejudging. That was not my intention. Let me emphasize: we do not know anything about who committed this criminal act. It may not be politically motivated violence. That is my hope. I just want to emphasize that not only right-wing extremists commit violence, but left-wing extremists as well. Something that should be well documented, without the Oslo press writing about it, ”he writes.

He also offers his condolences to relatives and other members of Sian.

“My thoughts and my condolences go first and foremost to his closest relatives. But also his colleagues in SIAN who have lost a friend. One should not be afraid to express oneself freely in Norway. This matter must be resolved quickly. I encourage everyone to keep the discussion at a decent level, “writes Amundsen.

Also read: Amundsen responds to Erna Solberg: – In the world I live in, left-wing extremists and young immigrants attack the police

Found dead on Saturday

Dan-E vivos Lid (48) was found dead in his own apartment in Kristiansand on Saturday. Lid is involved in the far-right organization “Stop the Islamization of Norway” (Sian). The death is now being investigated by the police as a possible murder.

Also read: Police launch murder investigation in Kristiansand

Lid was the first candidate of the Alliance for Vest-Agder party in the Storting elections in 2021.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Dan-Elestin Lid during Sian's demonstration in Oslo this summer.

FOUND DEAD: Dan-E claim Lid during Sian’s demonstration in Oslo this summer. On Saturday he was found dead in his own apartment and now the police have launched a murder investigation.

Sian’s leader, Lars Thorsen, confirmed the death on Sunday.

It is with great sadness that we confirm that Dan-E Vind Lid has been taken from us. We will come back with more information later. Our thoughts and condolences now go out to the family at this difficult time, Thorsen wrote on Facebook Sunday morning.
