Shocking again – VG


Donald Trump sees the possibility of four new years.

The victory in Florida is important.

But when an optimistic Biden appeared in Delaware, Trump responded quickly.

In 2016, businessman Donald Trump shocked all experts by beating career politician Hillary Clinton in the battle to take over the White House from Barack Obama.

Now he is surprised again.

The polls looked very promising for Joe Biden in the weeks leading up to Election Day on Nov. 3, but Trump supporters turned out in large numbers and made this election a thriller as well.

In thriller which currently lacks an ending.

Trump was also caught off guard on Twitter, accusing Biden’s side of trying to steal the election, a claim he has not substantiated with facts.

Twitter responded by hiding the post behind a warning that the tweet contained controversial and potentially misleading allegations.

Joe Biden believes that the Democrats are on the road to victory.

– I have a good feeling.

But Trump supporters have almost given up.

The president has followers everywhere. Also in Beverly Hills.

“It feels good where we are now,” Biden told fans on Wednesday morning Norwegian time from Wilmington in Delaware.

Trump has so far only commented on Twitter, where in addition to the controversial election fraud post he has promised to make a statement.

“A great victory”, concludes.

At the time of this writing, we don’t know who actually wins.

The rust belt seems to decide in 2020 as in 2016. Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania gave Trump the victory four years ago. You now need at least one of these statuses to win.

Any combination Michigan (16 voters), Wisconsin (10), Pennsylvania (20), Nevada (6) and Georgia (16), which gives Biden 32 voters, give the former vice president the victory.

All other scenarios give Donald Trump the victory.

Outside the White House, protesters await the results.

But the Americans will probably have to be patient.

It may take time before the decision is ready.

The fear is great because of the clashes and riots.

PHOTO: Gisle Oddstad / VG, AP, Getty Images and NTB.

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