Senator blames China: – They are responsible for Trump being infected


Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler is among those who have spoken on social media, after Donald Trump confirmed on Friday that he was infected with covid-19.

– Remember: China gave this virus to the president and the first lady, he writes on his Twitter profile.

– We must hold them accountable, write.

Just before receiving a positive test, Trump again bragged about America’s handling, while criticizing China for letting the virus spread around the world.

Democratic Senator Tim Kaine also released a statement regarding the president’s positive test on Friday.

– I hope the president and the first lady recover soon. I have had Covid-19, and I want to emphasize: this must be taken seriously. Follow the guidelines for wearing face masks, hand washing, and social distancing, he says.

Eliminate negative publicity

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden removed all negative content about the president from his Facebook pages, a spokesman for Biden’s campaign confirmed to NBC News.

“This is not about politics,” Biden said Friday, according to the Reauters news agency. Biden left early to wish the Trump couple a good recovery.

At a fundraiser for Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday night, both Harris and former President Barck Obama sent their best wishes to the president.

– Even though we are in the middle of a great political battle, and we take it very seriously, we will also send our best wishes to the President of the United States and the First Lady. Michelle and I hope … they get the help they need, Obama said.

“Doug and I offer our deepest prayers for the health and recovery of the president and the first lady,” Harris said.

– Asked to be infected

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday that she was saddened to learn that the president was infected with the coronavirus.

The president has received much criticism for the way he has handled the corona pandemic. Some believe he has downplayed the pandemic and failed to follow current infection control rules.

“Moving in crowds without a face mask was, in a way, an invitation for that to happen,” Pelosi told MSNBC, referring to Trump’s recent behavior.

It also states that the infection case should be a wake-up call for American citizens.

Shared reactions

Reactions have been divided after it emerged on Friday that both Trump and his wife Melania Trump had received positive responses to their covid-19 tests.

In the comment section below the post Trump has posted on Instagram that he is infected, there are several people expressing joy.

Heads of state around the world, on the other hand, have expressed their support.

Both Prime Minister Erna Solberg and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg have come out and wished the president a good recovery.

– I hope both he and the first lady recover quickly, writes Stolbenberg on Twitter.

Thank you

Melania Trump has expressed on her Twitter account her gratitude for the requests for support.

– Thank you very much for all the love we have received after it became known that we were infected, writes Melania Trump on Twitter.

Both she and her husband have mild symptoms.
