Schibsted owner demands explanation from Skogen Lund after VG statement – E24


Kristin Skogen Lund, Schibsted’s chief executive, criticized herself after she stated before the weekend that she was “very upset” by VG’s coverage of Nicolai Tangen’s appointment as oil fund manager.

Terje Bendiksby / NTB


His statement came during an NHH digital event on Friday.

Now, the owner of the Blommenholm Industrier store, owned by the Tinius Foundation, announces that he will enter into talks with the management of the media group.

– These are ongoing editorial problems, which are at the core of the independence of the publisher, also the owner and the publisher. This principle is enshrined in both the Media Liability Act and the publisher’s poster, writes the chairman of the board, Jon Wessel Aas at Blommenholm Industrier, in a statement to the industry website Journalisten.

In addition, it says it is regrettable that owners’ representatives publish statements in a way that “may be appropriate” to influence future editorial work, or that may create doubts among the public about editorial independence.

– This applies even if the statements were not intended to influence editorial choices, and even if they did not influence editorial choices, Wessel-Aas writes.

At the same time, Kristin Skogen Lund takes self-criticism in a statement sent to the industry newspaper.

– As CEO, I understand that I have to defend my statements. My comment in this case was a response to a Business School student and was not intended to pressure any of our editorial staff, he tells Journalisten.

Also, he emphasizes that in hindsight he wishes he had been phrased differently.

– Afterwards I spoke with both the VG editor and the shop stewards in the newspaper house, and I am sure that no one feels that I have pressured the editorial team or that they are affected by the statement. The editorial independence of the Schibsted newspapers has been and is absolute, Skogen Lund tells Journalisten.

E24 is part of the Schibsted Group. Some of the E24 journalists own shares in Schibsted through the group’s share savings program.
