Salary sharing for the best in Oslo school


Earlier this fall, Dagbladet reported that the Education Agency in Oslo increased the number of principals with a salary of one million.

Dagbladet can now report that several of these have recently received a significant pay raise.

There are currently 26 directors in the Oslo Education Agency. The average salary for directors is approximately NOK 1.1 million per year.

Teachers offer: 1.7 percent

And in August, five of the directors had their salaries adjusted upward, according to what Dagbladet knows.

At least one of them must have received a salary increase of more than 10 percent.

– We have considered it correct and necessary to increase the salary of a limited number of managers, based on the fact that they have been assigned a significantly larger area of ​​responsibility, confirms Vidar Lødrup, Division Director in the Organizational Development and Joint Services Division, to Dagbladet.

At the same time, the front-line teachers of the Oslo school have been asked to show restraint in the crisis year 2020. They have been offered a 1.7 percent pay increase.

– On behalf of the Education Agency, I would like to say that we have taken care to limit the number of salary adjustments as a result of the reorganization. At the same time, the salary level is a sign that we place an emphasis on having good leaders. To achieve this, we must be competitive, but we must not be salary leaders, continues Lødrup.

26 directors with a million salary

26 directors with a million salary

– A mockery of the teachers

Salary increases immediately catch your eye.

Hallstein Bjercke (V) says he will address the matter at the city council meeting in Oslo on Wednesday this week. Bjercke is upset by the news.

– This is a mockery of the teachers and all employees of the Oslo school. They have been in the front line in this difficult year, perhaps the most difficult year the Oslo school has seen due to the crown situation. Teachers have been asked to show restraint, and then we hear that principals give each other a pay party, Bjercke tells Dagbladet.

The education agency is headed by Mars Gerhardsen. She replaced Astrid Søgnen as director of education. Søgnen ended up in a long public conflict with the responsible city councilor, Inga Marte Thorkildsen (SV), and finally had to leave.

A few days before the warning was known, the controversial Thorkildsen agency sent an email: - I was stunned, says the former city council chief.

A few days before the warning was known, the controversial Thorkildsen agency sent an email: – I was stunned, says the former city council chief.

– As in the world

Left-wing leader Hallstein Bjercke says he has heard of parents splurging on teaching materials for schools struggling financially as a result of the crown crisis.

On Wednesday she will ask Inga Marte Thorkildsen to answer for her in the case.

– When schools are running on a limited budget, I will have to ask Councilor Thorkildsen how the hell she runs the school in Oslo. This is a political issue, and the appointment of Mars Gerhardsen was also a political appointment. There have been riots at the Education Agency since Thorkildsen took over as the responsible city councilor, and I doubt that these pay increases will contribute to the calm.
