– Sad and boring – VG


FREE MINUTE IN THE GARDEN: – I’m glad we have a garden and the weather is good, says Ane Fjellheim. Photo: Gabriel Skalevik

HAMAR (VG) Ane Fjellheim and her children Mikkel (8) and Mattis (10) are now preparing for homeschool after Ridabu’s school had to close after an outbreak.

– It’s sad and boring, says Mattis (10), who is in sixth grade at Ridabu school, which has now closed after 18 confirmed cases of infection associated with the school.

– It’s no fun being home in the middle of a weekday without being able to go to school, he says.

After just a couple of weeks back to school after summer break, he and his little brother Mikkel (8) must now go back to home teaching with free time on the garden trampoline.

Both Ane Fjellheim and her husband are teachers, Ane at Rollsløkken Primary School in Hamar and her husband at a primary school in neighboring Ringsaker Municipality.

– It’s a feeling of déjà vu, this here, going back to how it was this spring. You just have to organize it the best you can, even if it’s boring, says Fjellheim.

DÉJÀ VU: After a couple of weeks back to school, the family must now go back to home teaching. Ane Fjellheim is FAU leader at the Ridabu school. Photo: Gabriel Skalevik

– Demanding situation

Mattis’ sixth grade was told to go home from school on Thursday. Mikkel, who is in third grade, had barely managed to unlock the scooter on the way to school on Monday, when his mother called him with the message to stay home.

– 45 minutes before classes started, we got the message that the whole school was closed, says Fjellheim.

– It is a demanding situation and I feel sorry for the teachers and the school staff.

In addition to the closure of the school, leisure activities have also been canceled.

– So now it will be football in the garden, walking and jumping on a trampoline, says Ane.

CLOSED: The entire Ridabu school is closed after 18 confirmed cases of infection associated with the school. Photo: Gabriel Skalevik

On Sunday, eight out of ten cases of infection in Hamar were confirmed at the Ridabu school, and now the number has risen to 18.

– It is a demanding situation, but it is good to see that the organization works. That we have a routine to deal with the situation. The key now is to get answers to the tests fast enough, City Director Christl Kvam told VG on Monday morning.

According to the Sandefjord Municipality, the Ridabu students attended the camp school in Knattholmen from August 17 to 24.

The infection has not been shown to have spread there, but the Sandefjord municipal doctor has decided that all employees of the camp’s school will be examined and quarantined until the test results arrive. Therefore, the campsite is closed this week.

– It was a school teacher who got infected for the first time, but here we still do not know the time of infection or the source of the infection, says Christl Kvam.

In the neighboring municipalities of Ringsaker and Stange, restrictions have also been introduced throughout the week, with home schooling for pupils in fifth grade and up starting Tuesday.

High schools closed: – A little stress

Five upper secondary schools in the Hamar region will also close for a week starting Tuesday.

The upper secondary schools in question will have homeschooling throughout the week. This applies to Hamar Cathedral School, Storhamar Upper Secondary School, Ringsaker Upper Secondary School, Jønsberg Upper Secondary School, and Stange Upper Secondary School.

Outside of a gym in the CC Hamar shopping center, VG meets Nechirvan (16), who attends Ringsaker Senior High School.

– We heard that the gym would be closing as of September 1, so we thought we should seize the opportunity today. But then we found out that it had already been closed, says Nechirvan.

He had been told over the school’s loudspeaker system that it would be closed for a week.

– It’s a bit stressful, because it means more homework and assignments. Things are getting more theoretical, says Nechirvan.

HE WAS NOT TRAINED: Nechirvan (16) failed to get to the gym before they closed on Monday. They go to Ringsaker Senior High School, which is now closed for a week. Photo: Gabriel Skalevik

University stops teaching on two campuses

There will also be stricter restrictions on buses, the Innlandet County Municipality reports on its website. Only 50 percent of the bus capacity is used. This applies to routes that run in the Hamar region. Six dental clinics will also be closed this week: Åkershagan in Stange, Hamar, Brøttum, Moelv, Brumunddal and Løten.

Inland University College writes on its website that all campus teaching in Blæstad and Hamar will be suspended for the week as a result of the outbreak.

– The situation will be evaluated continuously. When possible, teaching takes place digitally. As a result, students are advised to follow the classes and study from home, they write.

However, it is emphasized that campuses will not be closed, but will be open to employees and students who need access.

See the development of registered cases of infection in Hamar here:

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