Runar Vatne, Råkjøring | The star investor must go to jail


Investor Rune Vatne must go to prison after driving in a zone of 80. He drove at 177 kilometers per hour in a Ferrari Spider.

Therefore, the star investor must go out of business and go on strike for 23 days, writes Dagens Næringsliv.

The driver’s license is also lost and he loses his driver’s license for 37 months, according to the verdict. If you want to regain the opportunity to get back into the driver’s seat, you must get back in.

Vatne was sentenced to 27 days in prison, but received a four-day confession discount.

The speeding occurred in Fønhus in the Sør-Aurdal municipality, reports DN.

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Vatne is not the first celebrity to end up in the spotlight of the police. The news of his poor driving comes shortly after former cross country king Petter Northug was caught driving 168 km / h in zone 110.

Billions in profit

Vatne is a real estate investor and billionaire, and in recent years has become one of the largest private investors on the Oslo Stock Exchange. They have done very well through their investment company Vatne Capital, and in 2019 they made a profit of 500 million kronor before tax. Equity was recorded at NOK 2 billion.

The investor is not only known for his profession and career, there has also been public interest in his relationship with Alexandra Joner.

Defendant business partner

In recent years, Vatne has been a business partner of Carl Erik Krefting, but in June it emerged that Vatne was suing the partner. This will be a dispute about the sale of properties in the Søylen system.

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The two have built Søylen Eiendom, which has contributed to both becoming billions. The lawsuit is said to have revolved around whether they are bound by a 2017 shareholders agreement and what obligations stem from the agreement, according to DN.
