Run after this


The president announced the nomination during a formal ceremony in Rosehagen for the White House shortly after 11:00 PM on Saturday night Norwegian time.

There was very little tension upfront over who Trump would nominate. Amy Coney Barrett has long been linked to the vacant position, and yesterday both the New York Times, CNN and the Washington Post learned that Trump had decided to appoint Barrett.

If Trump has his way, he will replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the United States Supreme Court. Ginsburg died last week, aged 87.

– I love the United States and I love the Constitution of the United States. I am truly humbled by the idea of ​​serving on the Supreme Court, Barrett said.

He praised Ginsburg for breaking the glass ceiling and being a role model for women around the world.

– She was an extremely talented woman and her life in public service is an example for everyone to follow, said Barrett.

DEATH: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg pictured in 2017. Photo: Jonathan Ernst / Reuters / NTB
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NOMINEE: President Donald Trump nominates Amy Coney Barrett as the new Supreme Court Justice in Rosehagen in the White House. Photo: Olivier DOULIERY / AFP / NTB
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Political tug of war

The nomination must be approved by the Senate, one of the two houses of Congress, and now there is a political tug of war over possible approval.

Four years ago, when former President of the United States, Barack Obama, was going to occupy a seat on the Supreme Court, the Republicans denied him a vote in the Senate, which then had a majority in the Senate.

Now Republicans will not follow their own example from four years ago and are working to get a vote on Barrett before the November 3 presidential election. This infuriates Democrats, who now, unlike four years ago, urgently want a vote after the presidential elections.

That is exactly what Trump was joking about in his speech.

– I am sure this will not be controversial and will happen quickly. But we also said that last time, Trump said, to the laughter of those present.

He then referred to the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, who just before the Senate hearings was charged with sexual assault. Kavanaugh was eventually confirmed by the Senate and is now a Supreme Court Justice.

- There may be violence after the elections.

– There may be violence after the elections.


The election of the president does not sit well with the Democrats. Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic leader of the House of Representatives, is furious with Trump. In particular, she fears that Obamacare health care reform and Medicaid expansion will be in jeopardy if the nomination is approved.

“If the nominee is confirmed, millions of families will be deprived of health care services amid a pandemic that has infected seven million Americans and killed more than 200,000 people in our country,” he said in a statement. .

He goes on to say that “everything depends on this nomination”:

– The constitutional right of a woman to make her own medical decisions about her own body, the right of LGBT Americans to marry the person they love, the right of workers to organize and negotiate a fair wage, the future of our planet and the protection of the environment. , the right to vote and the right that every American has to have a voice in our democracy.

CAREER: Democrat Nancy Pelosi. Photo: Jose Luis Magana / AP / NTB
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As recently as yesterday, President Trump also called the election of a Supreme Court justice a great victory, noting that it “sets the tone for the country for 40-50 years.”

“Trump is seizing this vacancy against the clear and overwhelming will of the American people and is dismantling the pillars of health and economic security in America,” Pelosi said.

– Every vote to confirm this nominee is a vote to dismantle the health system. The American people will hold each senator accountable for their vote, she concludes.

NEW JUDGE: Donald Trump says he will nominate a female judge to replace the late Ginsburg. Video: AP
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Will wait

The party’s presidential candidate, Joe Biden, urges the Senate to wait to approve Barrett until after the November election.

“The Senate should not fill this vacancy until after the American people have elected their next president and Congress,” Biden said shortly after the nomination was announced.

Like Pelosi, she believes Obamacare is at risk from smoking.

“Barrett has a track record showing that he disagrees with the US Supreme Court’s decision to defend health care reform,” says Biden.

– The American people know that the decisions of the United States Supreme Court affect their lives. The Constitution of the United States was designed to give voters an opportunity to be heard about who will sit on the Supreme Court. This moment is now, and your voice should be heard, says Biden.

HONORED: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was honored Friday at a memorial service at the convention building in the US capital, Washington. Presidential candidate Joe Biden and his wife Jill, among others, participated. Photo: Erin Schaff / The New York Times via AP / NTB
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Last wish

Senate Democratic Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is warning Republicans not to approve of Amy Coney Barrett. Schumer notes that the recently deceased Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish was that her place on the Supreme Court not be filled until after the November election.

– Republicans will not only ignore his dying wish, they will replace it with someone who will tear down everything he has built. This reprehensible takeover is a cynical attack on the legitimacy of the Supreme Court, says Schumer.

Republicans have a majority in the Senate and will be able to approve Barrett before the election. She was nominated on Saturday by President Donald Trump, in what is her third Supreme Court nomination.

– Extremely well rated

Senate Majority and Republican Leader Mitch McConnell says the president couldn’t have made a better decision.

Judge Amy Coney Barrett is an exceptionally impressive attorney and a highly-qualified candidate for the Supreme Court, she says according to CNN.

Republican Lindsey Graham, chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, promises a fair hearing on the nomination. Graham plays a key role in the job of getting Barrett’s approval.

– As chair of the Justice Committee, I am very committed to ensuring that the nominee receives a challenging, fair and respectful hearing, Graham writes on Twitter.

He also writes that he thinks Barrett is highly qualified and a good choice.

Unknown correspondence with the president of the scandal

Unknown correspondence with the president of the scandal

Third nomination

Barrett’s nomination is Trump’s third to the United States Supreme Court. If you win his approval before the November elections, you will have made your mark on the Supreme Court, which will last well beyond your own presidency.

Barrett’s election also shakes the balance of power on the Supreme Court. Lately it has been 5-4 in favor of the Conservatives, but now it will be 6-3 with a predominance of judges considered conservative, writes NTB.

– This is my third nomination and it is a very proud moment. Our nation has mourned the loss of a true American legend, Ginsburg’s legacy will inspire Americans for many years, Trump said from the rose garden.
