Rugby, Coronavirus | Images of a packed rugby match draw attention:


Full stands in Australia create reactions at a time when corona infection is high around the world.

The rugby match that took place in Brisbane on Wednesday this week is now going around the world.

The reason is that the stands were almost full, with 50,000 people gathered, writes Danish BT Sport.

The match was played between the Queensland Maroons and the New South Wales Blues in the Australian league.

According to The Guardian, this is the first time that so many have gathered since the coronavirus hit the country and all sports had to shut down.

The sensational images show that the audience stayed very close to the arena.

Danish BT writes that there have been a number of reactions on social media and refers to these taken from Twitter.

– See the audience at the stadium in Australia. Are they on the same planet as us? It breaks my heart to see when I think about how the sport is with us.

– More than 40,000 who watch a game in Australia on STADION. A properly governed country. There are also people here who think that our government and Boris have done “the best they can.”

– Watching the game with an almost full stadium in Australia makes me cry.

On social media, several have expressed dissatisfaction that 50,000 people have been able to gather at an event, while other states have introduced travel bans and various restrictions.

However, they did not violate any rules or regulations.

Recently, the rule that there could be 75 percent capacity present in the stadium was changed to maximum capacity.

It was the mayor of Queensland, Annastaia Palaszuck, who was able to announce that the stadium can be filled to the maximum if the event is outdoors.

Figures from the Australian authorities show that there are only 11 active cases of infection among the five million inhabitants.

In Norway, there are several municipal infection control measures with stronger measures in areas with a high spread of infection.

In Norway, matches, competitions and similar events are allowed for the best sports, but they must take place without the presence of the public inside.

Outdoors, a maximum of 200 people is allowed if kept at least one meter away.


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