Rødt and city council parties agree on Oslo budget – NRK Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio


The council parties Arbeiderpartiet, SV and MDG had to bring Rødt to get a majority for the 2021 budget.

As a result, the budget increased by NOK 270 million.

I do not agree with the operation of the bus

Aftenposten is the first to report on the case.

Rødt had yet to realize defeat in the battle for buses in Oslo to be operated by the municipality.

It was an important issue for the party.

– It has been impossible to get the council parties involved, but Rødt will continue to work for that cause, Eivor Evenrud, leader of Rødt’s group in Oslo, tells NRK.

The party believes that the bus supply would be better and cheaper on municipal property.

Therefore, they wanted to write in the budget agreement that the municipality of Oslo will resume bus operations when the tenders expire.

Bus in traffic

IN THE OFFER: Rødt had to accept that the bus operation continues in the tender.

Photo: Nadir Alam / NRK

123 million to districts

Rødt managed to negotiate an additional NOK 100 million for the functioning of the districts. In addition, 23 million are intended for children and young people.

In total, the council parties increase the operating budget by 140 million and the investment budget by 130 million.

– I think it is sensational that Rødt once again has to negotiate money for the districts. The city council must understand that this is the most important thing to the people, says Evenrud.

The City Council presented its Oslo budget proposal at the end of September. The cuts were larger than in many years. The reason is the uncertainty related to the coronary pandemic.

Frode Jacobsen

SATISFIED: Frode Jacobsen, Labor Party Group Leader in Oslo.

Photo: Olav Juven / NRK

– I’m glad

Frode Jacobsen, group leader of the Labor Party, is happy that the parties have reached an agreement.

– I am glad that we have a good budget for Oslo next year, where we take seriously the uncertainty in which we now live. Unemployment in Oslo is the highest in the country. We need safe wellness services. That helps Rødt to secure through this budget, he says.

How the corona pandemic will affect Oslo’s economy in 2021, Jacobsen believes, is a big and difficult question.

– We will have higher expenses and we hope that the state will compensate it. We also run the risk of lower incomes due to higher unemployment and the business community in Oslo bleeding to death.

Overtime negotiations

The cooperation parties should have agreed within the city council’s finance committee to consider the budget a week and a half ago.

The only thing they managed to agree on was an additional NOK 24 million for voluntary organizations.

In other words, the negotiations have dragged on until today.

Oslo City Hall 2019-2023

The Oslo City Council is made up of the Labor Party, SV and MDG. Now they have agreed on the city’s budget for 2021 together with the Red Party.

Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix
