Rising infection trends in several US states are concerning


The US states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Nebraska and Wisconsin have seen a sharp increase in the number of reported infection cases daily in the past two weeks. The increase has been more than 25 percent, writes NBC News.

The development takes place at the same time that the recommendation for the use of masks has received strong support among several in the country, with many of the inhabitants refusing to believe that the coronavirus exists at all. President Donald Trump stated the following after he tested positive himself:

– Do not be afraid of Covid-19, do not let it dominate your life, I feel better than 20 years ago.

It wasn’t long before the statement came under severe criticism.

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Aiming for the trend

Like states that have seen a sharp increase in infection cases in the past two weeks, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota and Wyoming have also seen some of the highest cases on record daily, according to Johns Hopkins University. .

– Things will get better, but they will probably get worse first. We see this in the development of recent weeks, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine tells NBC News.

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Dr. Sadiya Khan, an epidemiologist at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, located in the Streeterville area of ​​Chicago in the US.

– This has been a general trend, and we suspect it has a lot to do with the cooler weather that has arrived, which brings people indoors where they gather without a mask, he tells the channel.

She adds:

– It’s quite worrying.

The National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) shares the same view, writing in a report on September 11 that the risk of a national wave of infections is still low, but that we must plan for a new wave of infections this winter.

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– Barron tested positive

Hit hard

The United States is the country in the world most affected by the corona pandemic when it comes to the number of deaths. More than 221,000 people have died after being infected by the virus, according to the Worldometers survey.

The number of registered cases of infection exceeds 8.1 million.
