Rise on the Oslo Stock Exchange: Røkke’s renewable investment on the heels of Erna’s billion-dollar promise


The main index of the Oslo Stock Exchange is up 1.1 percent from the start of Monday.

Despite the news that the president of the United States has contracted the coronavirus, the main index closed with a slight increase on Friday of last week. For the week as a whole, the index was up 1.8 percent.

The renewable companies of Kjell Inge Røkke, Aker Carbon Capture and Aker Offshore Wind, open right after the opening of the stock market. The two stocks are up 10.3 and 8.2 percent, respectively.

Prime Minister Erna Solberg announced this weekend that the government will set aside two billion crowns for carbon capture and storage in the state budget next year.

On Monday morning, Offshore Wind announced a successful installation off the coast of South Korea, which is part of the development of a floating offshore wind farm.

Røkke: – Income differences around the world are a crazy problem

Kjell Inge Røkke is quite clear about who is to blame and who can fix it.



Trump’s impact on the market

Chief Economist Kari Due-Andresen of Handelsbanken Capital Markets hopes that Donald Trump’s coronary disease could affect the markets in the future:

“The unresolved situation around the president’s health could potentially dampen the risk appetite in the market in the near future, but the trading day so far has been marked by optimism about his seemingly good form. In any case , the disease may limit Trump’s opportunities to campaign during the remaining four weeks leading up to the November 3 election, “writes Due-Andresen in his morning report.

Nordnet analyst Roger Berntsen, on the other hand, notes that the market did not react much to Trump’s positive crowning test on Friday:

“Many investors were influenced by Trump’s Covid-19 case, but the market as a whole was not. That said, it remains to be seen whether the presidential election to be held in early November will go as planned,” Berntsen writes in a morning comment.

He believes that the great tension in the United States this week is related to whether politicians in Congress agree on a new crisis package for the economy.

So it was when DN’s trading commentator tested the new trading game

DN stock commentator Bård Bjerkholt is listed on the exchange.



Strike hits four Equinor fields

By Monday night, it became clear that the strike in the oil industry would intensify further. Equinor has started four of its platforms and cannot say how long the shutdown will last.

The strike appears to have some effect on Equinor stock, which rose 1.5 percent shortly after the stock market opened.

Figures from the online broker Nordnet show that active professional clients, the so-called daytradere, they traded shares for around NOK 7 billion in September. Hydrogen company Nel stands out as by far the most traded stock and accounted for more than 1 billion of turnover in September.

On Monday morning, Nel was up 1.1 percent as the second-most-traded stock on the stock market.

Otherwise, the North Sea oil price (burned point) has risen over the weekend. Oil prices tumbled below $ 40 on Friday on news that Trump is infected by the crown, but has since rallied and is up 1.6 percent. North Sea oil is now trading at around the $ 40 limit.(Terms)Copyright Dagens Næringsliv AS and / or our suppliers. We would like you to share our cases via a link, which leads directly to our pages. Copying or other use of all or part of the content may only be done with written permission or as permitted by law. For more terms, see here.
