Resolve the conflict by changing ships to one with Norwegian crew – VG


NEW «CRUISE»: MS Finnmarken is the new «Cruise Tom». Aboard the MS Finnmarken, according to Hurtigruten, it’s a relaxing style, combined with a bit of luxury. Slipt underwent a major update in 2020, the largest single update in Hurtigruten history. Several tires were completely redone. Photo: imageBROKER / Alexander Pöschel /

After being reported to the police for violating the Immigration Act and “being on the carpet” with the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Hurtigruten bows.

– The production company accepted Hurtigruten’s proposal to replace MS Fridtjof Nansen with MS Finnmarken as a chartered ship in connection with the shoot. We are pleased that the production company has been willing to find a solution with us, the director of government contact at Hurtigruten, Anne Marit Bjørnflaten, informs VG.

Bjørnflaten writes that MS Finnmarken will begin the mission early next week, with the Norwegian flag and the Norwegian crew.

– Together with MS Vesterålen, which is still part of the agreement, MS Finnmarken will be at the Åndalsnes pier for the remainder of the lease period. Both vessels are registered in the Norwegian Ordinary Ship Register (NOR).

also read

Hurtigruten after a mutiny around the “Tom-Cruise ship”: working to find alternatives


The ship change resolves a long-standing dispute over the use of the MS cruise liner “Fridtjof Nansen”, which is located at the Hellesylt pier in Møre og Romsdal and is home to the film crew that is shooting Tom Cruise’s next film “Mission: Impossible. “.

Several factors that have made the use of the boat controversial:

The unions believe that the ship should be considered a hotel and that therefore Filipino workers on board should have a work permit.

– If they change ships and crew, the Filipino crew does not have to risk deportation. It’s very good, but nothing would have happened if we hadn’t reported it to the police, political and government contact Stian Grøthe from the Norwegian Seafarers’ Association told VG yesterday.

SATISFIED: – However, after Minister Iselin Nybø made it clear that she wanted to make a regulatory change to change the NIS rules, we started the work of looking for alternative solutions. This has been done in dialogue with the ministry, the unions and the customer, writes the government contact director at Hurtigruten, Anne Marit Bjørnflaten. Photo: Hurtigruten

Hurtigruten: still believe they behaved correctly

– We are pleased to have implemented this solution where we installed a new ship, while also ensuring that our international colleagues at MS Fridtjof Nansen are not affected by the change. This means that we will, of course, pay them according to Norwegian terms for the term of the agreement, as has been the plan from the beginning, writes Bjørnflaten in a message sent to VG.

– The hire of MS Fridtjof Nansen for film production is an extraordinary unique event. The Norwegian Maritime Directorate has confirmed that the ship is not considered a hotel ship, that the use of the ship is within NIS law and is therefore fully legal, writes Bjørnflaten.

READY FOR GLASS: Minister of Commerce and Industry Iselin Nybø. Photo: Frode Hansen, VG

Minister of Commerce and Industry: very clear

Trade and Industry Minister Iselin Nybø has also set sail:

– I have been very clear that it has been contrary to the regulations for NIS ships to conduct hotel business in Norwegian ports. I’m glad Hurtigruten took the signals seriously and that they are following him now. We are also working to change regulations to prevent this from happening again, says Trade and Industry Minister Iselin Nybø (V).

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