Researchers: Corona virus can survive 28 days on mobile devices


Researchers at the Australian state research institute Csiro have tested how long the virus can survive on surfaces such as cell phones, steel surfaces and banknotes.

The virus is most easily spread between people by coughing, sneezing, or talking, since the virus can be spread in saliva. Previously, the virus was thought to survive two to three days on banknotes and glass surfaces, while it could survive for up to six days on plastic and steel surfaces. Now it turns out not to vote according to Csiro.

Extremely robust

They have discovered that the virus is “extremely robust” and can survive up to 28 days on slippery surfaces, such as mobile phones and both bills and bank cards, in ambient temperatures of 20 degrees. , according to the BBC.

By comparison, the influenza virus can survive for about 17 days on the same surfaces and under the same conditions.

“Determining how long the virus actually remains viable on a surface allows us to better predict and reduce the spread more accurately, and to do a better job of protecting the population,” Csiro’s boss, Dr. Larry Marshall, told the BBC. .

Read also: Research: more children could die from corona restrictions than total number of deaths per corona

Die faster in warmer temperatures

If temperatures rise, the virus will not survive as long on surfaces. At temperatures of 40 degrees, the virus was no longer viable after 24 hours. It survived longer on smooth surfaces than on porous surfaces. The virus on a cloth was no longer active after 14 days.

The experiments were conducted in the dark, as ultraviolet light has been shown to be effective in killing the virus. The study is published in the Virology Journal.

For the BBC, its research correspondent Pallab Ghosh says that it is not certain that the virus behaves in the same way in the real world as it does in the research laboratory, as other factors will also play a role, but points out how important it is to wash your hands. hands frequently and thoroughly and also Extend this to clean touchscreens more frequently
