– Republican Party Feels A Bit Threatened By Trump – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


On Tuesday, Biden met with the press in his hometown of Wilmington, where he was once again asked a series of questions about Donald Trump’s unwillingness to acknowledge the outcome after the US presidential election.

One of the questions was that other Republican politicians are also reluctant to recognize their election winner before an election is investigated.

One of them is Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader and a longtime friend of Biden. Until now, it won’t mention Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as incoming president and vice president.

– I have not spoken with Mitch, but I hope to have the opportunity to speak with him soon. “I think the entire Republican Party, with a few exceptions, has been put in a position where they feel a bit threatened by the incumbent president,” Biden said.

– Trump does not stop the transition

The Democrat believes “frankly” that it is shameful that President Trump refuses to acknowledge that his opponent won the presidential election on November 3.

– How can I say this tactfully? I don’t think it contributes to the president’s legacy.

Biden will not take legal action to try to force the Trump administration to acknowledge his election victory. The daily secret reports that an incoming president usually receives would be “helpful, but not necessary,” Biden said.

– The inability of the current administration to recognize our victory does not change the dynamics and what we can do in this transition period. Yesterday we announced a new health group and in the future we will set up our administration for the White House and review the candidates for ministerial positions. Nothing will stop him, Biden said.

So far, the incoming president has held talks with six world leaders after the electoral victory. He says he has given everyone the same message: “America is back.”

Message to world leaders: – America is back

So far, the incoming president has held talks with six world leaders after the electoral victory. Including the prime ministers of Great Britain, Germany and Canada, as well as the president of France. He says he has given everyone the same message: “America is back.”

– We are back in the game. It is not the United States alone. I had the opportunity to speak with six world leaders and the response has been healthy and vigorous. I am confident that we will win back America with the respect that the country had before, he said.
