Ready for fall break


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At 2 pm, the Minister of Justice and Emergency Management, Monica Mæland, and the Minister of Health and Care Services, Bent Høie, will give a press conference on the situation of the crown in Norway. Also present are Health Director Bjørn Guldvog and Department Director Line Vold of the National Institute of Public Health.

Autumn holidays

– At the same time, FHI figures show that most young people are infected and that it is more common to become infected at home at private parties or social contexts, says health director Bjørn Guldvog.

The health director remembers the infection control rules, even when he is with friends or at a party. Guldvog further says that the fall break is not in danger.

– For those of you who have a trip to Norway planned, okay, he says and emphasizes that a trip to the mountain or to the cabin can be done with a clear conscience. For those of you who are home while school is closed, there is still room to find nice things where not many people gather in the same place.

Guldvog notes that she believes that fall break can help reduce the frequency of contact between people because they are not at work or school.

– The ban on cabins at Easter, which we all remember, I think, was not justified in terms of infection control, but of sanitary preparation in the municipalities of small cabins, he says and points out that the municipalities now have better testing systems and infection tracking.

– Stick with as few close contacts as possible, he says.

– Syretest

Anders Brabrand, chief physician at Øyer, welcomes the cabin dwellers to the mountains for the holidays, writes NRK.

He believes that the fall break will be a kind of test of what the winter season will be like.

– Probably now we do a litmus test. We are soon at the beginning of a winter season, including in Hafjell and Kvitfjell, so if this goes well, I think it will also go well in winter, he says, while emphasizing that those who come from areas with a lot of infection has a greater responsibility.

– Provocative

Justice and Emergency Management Minister Mæland begins by saying that she met with the Oslo police today.

– I heard about criminals abusing the support scheme we have created so that people can pay for food and housing in a difficult situation, says Mæland.

– I think it is very provocative to hear that criminals take advantage of this situation, go ahead and promise that great resources will be used to catch these criminals.

– Criminals will be caught and punished.

Thank you “most of the people”

Health Minister Høie says he believes the strategy works so far.

– Every day we see a local boom in infection, we also see a local spike in engagement. Most people are not fooled. Most people take responsibility. Thanks to most people, the Norwegian strategy has worked so far, says the Minister of Health.

– Now it is Oslo that is in the front line and must do the work that is necessary for all of us, he explains.

Høie points out that infection is increasing in much of the world.

– In Norway, the infection is still low compared to most other countries, although we also have an increase in infection, says Høie.

– We see that things have gone wrong in one country after another. All those that have been opened have had to close again, continues the Minister of Health.

He says they will still consider whether it is possible to reopen more domestically.

The R number

Ahead of the press conference, the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) announced in its weekly report that the R number in Norway is now estimated to be 1.26.

This means that each corona infection infects more than one person.

– That the R number is greater than 1 shows what FHI has produced. We have an ongoing outbreak in Oslo that gives us every cause for concern. We have also had outbreaks in large municipalities like Bergen. It is crucial now that the measures that are implemented work so that this R number does not contribute to a national level in large parts of the country experiencing an increase in the spread of infection. This will mean that we must adopt stricter national measures, Høie answers Dagbladet’s questions.

During the press conference, the government also proposes a one-time grant of 100 million to help children and youth in the state budget for 2021.

FHI’s latest weekly report shows that there has been an increase in the number of reported cases in five counties over the last week. The counties are Innlandet, Agder, Møre og Romsdal, Rogaland and Oslo.
