Reacts strongly to proposals to remove bench in Botanical Garden:


Top Conservative Party and Green Party politicians react strongly to the desire for a bank to be eliminated, which opponents believe may be related to racism.

– I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. No one in history will be clean and straight enough if this continues. In the end, we have erased them all, and it seems that this has become a radical project, writes the Parliamentary representative of the Conservative Party, Stefan Heggelund, to Nettavisen.

He reacts strongly to the fact that more people in Old Oslo’s city hall will have a bench taken away which is located in the Tøyen Botanical Garden in Oslo.

Background: believe that this bank may be associated with racism; I want them to delete it

The bank is dedicated to Carl von Linné, and the background for a proposal by Gamle Oslo SV and Gamle Oslo Rødt to remove the bank is, according to the Khrono newspaper, that it is associated with the onset of biological racism.

Click the pic to enlarge.  WANTED: The bench, which will now be removed by the city council in Old Oslo, is located in the Tøyen Botanical Garden in Oslo.

WANTED: The bench, which will now be removed by the city hall in Old Oslo, is located in the Tøyen Botanical Garden in Oslo.
Photo: Hanna Reppen Kvikstad (Nettavisen)

– Extreme spray

Heggelund believes that the debate has little to offer.

– A very fruitless form of debate is being imported here from the United States, and that does not contribute to anything good. Of course, it is just extreme dew that this bank creates an unsafe atmosphere in the Botanical Garden.

Click the pic to enlarge.  ANSWER: Storting's representative in Høye, Stefan Heggelund, believes that it is completely wrong to remove the bench from the Botanical Garden.

ANSWER: Storting’s representative in Høye, Stefan Heggelund, believes that it is completely wrong to remove the bench from the Botanical Garden.
Photo: Espen Teigen (Online newspaper)

It is also supported by the leader of the Oslo FRP, Geir Ugland Jacobsen, who calls it “unusually stupid” to remove memorials.

– I have some trouble taking this kidney revisionism seriously. Those of us who know a little about world history recognize these kinds of regime initiatives with which we do not want to compare ourselves, he writes to Nettavisen.

Also read: Calls to remove the Churchill statue face strong opposition: – Extremely wet

– The demonization of the outer left of everything and everyone who believes that they do not fit into today’s PK society and its self-constructed worldview, gives the strangest results, writes Geir Ugland Jacobsen, leader of Oslo Frp to Nettavisen.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Geir Ugland Jacobsen, leader of Oslo Frp, reacts strongly to the proposal to remove the bench.

Geir Ugland Jacobsen, leader of Oslo Frp, reacts strongly to the proposal to remove the bench.
Photo: Geir Furuseth

Legitimization of the slave trade

Carl von Linné was a Swedish physician, zoologist, and botanist, best known for having worked with systematics in biology and for having introduced the system with Latin names for species, according to SNL.

Click the pic to enlarge.  DEDICATED: The bench is dedicated to Carl von Linné, known as the father of modern systematics.  It is also associated with modern racism.

DEDICATED: The bench is dedicated to Carl von Linné, known as the father of modern systematics. It is also associated with modern racism.
Photo: Hanna Reppen Kvikstad (Mediehuset Nettavisen)

However, the proposal states that “he is known as the father of modern racism.”

He also transferred his method of systematizing plants to humans, creating a hierarchy of whites at the top and blacks at the bottom. The consequences have been, for example, the legitimization of the slave trade and colonialization, says SV politician Hasti Hamidi to Universitas.

It was Universitas who first wrote about SV and Rødt’s proposal in Old Oslo. The proposal was adopted on Thursday. A minority made up of some representatives of the Conservatives, Liberals, the Labor Party and the Progress Party voted against the proposal.

An invitation is now being sent to the Natural History Museum to remove the bench, which is located very close to the Systematic Garden in the Botanical Garden.

Also read: The Labor profile fights Fredrik Solvang: – There is no Sunday school
