Reaction test should avoid drunk driving on electric scooter


A reaction test will be mandatory to open Vois electric scooters at night on weekends. The purpose is to reduce drunk driving.

Christina Moe Gjerde is the leader of the Voi electric scooter company and spokesperson for the industry. Bjørge, Stein

Figures from the Oslo Emergency Department show that 40 percent of the power park cyclists who were so injured that they had to go to the emergency room were under the influence of drugs. Voi is now introducing a “reaction lock” on weekends to stop driving under the influence of drugs.

To open the electric scooter at night on weekends, you need to manage a game in the application that checks how fast you react.

– We make reaction tests mandatory at night on weekends. Driving under the influence of drugs is not allowed, but it will always be the responsibility of the user, which is why we believe in preventive measures, says Christina Moe Gjerde, director of Voi.

– It is undesirable for people to drive electric scooters under the influence of drugs. It is necessary to raise awareness and we believe that technology can do a lot, he says. The reaction test is a measure that we can test and measure the effect, she says.

He wants a blood alcohol limit for riding an electric scooter and for the police to enforce the rules.

This summer, many have been injured on night trips with electric scooters, and the municipality of Oslo has wanted to tighten. The Councilor for the Transport Agency, Lan Marie Berg, asked companies that rent electric scooters to close them for use at night due to the high frequency of accidents between 22 and 07. The request so far has not been serviced by the owners.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications is in the process of drafting legislation aimed at stricter regulation of electric scooters.

Will work preventively

Councilor for the Transport Agency Lan Marie Berg (MDG) has asked players in Oslo to turn off electric bikes at night due to the high accident rate. Why don’t you do that

– It would punish the majority who do not choose to drive drunk, he says and emphasizes that safety is the first priority for Voi.

– But working preventively takes time. We need to work with government agencies and those who are experts. This reaction test can be involved and contribute to preventive work, says Moe Gjerde.

The spokesman Henrik Pettersen Sunde at Ung i trafikken wants measures to reduce the number of injuries among young electric scooter users. Private

Henrik Pettersen Sunde, who is the spokesperson for Ung i Trafikken, says the organization, first and foremost, wants a blood-alcohol limit and scooters closed at night.

The organization works preventively with road safety for the age group 16 to 26 years.

– When it takes time to implement regulation, we believe this is an immediate positive measure that we hope will have an effect. We have also started a collaboration with Voi to reduce damage figures, he says.

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In short, Tuesday, August 18
