Races on the crown habits of Norwegians: – Total bullshit


SOGNSVANN (Dagbladet): The number of recorded corona infections has drastically degenerated in recent weeks. This means stricter infection control measures and restrictions in Norway and several other countries.

Athletics ensemble Isabelle Pedersen (28), former junior world champion in the 100-meter hurdles, is upset by all those who do not take the coronavirus seriously and asks all ignorant people to open their eyes.

– We do not know how dangerous this virus is and what the long-term consequences are. And then you can’t take it seriously. Do you really think you are immortal? No human being has survived life. And then you take it so little seriously. It is selfish when the rules are not followed, that the state and the whole world ask people to do, because people are not going to die. You can be a carrier without knowing it, says Pedersen in this interview with Dagbladet, with an address for everyone who does not comply with infection control measures.

– I’ve been to funerals for people I care about. Nothing comes out of it right. Destroy life. Destroy families, society and companies. When people don’t want to wear a mask, wash their hands and not follow the rules and it can infect others, I get angry. It’s really about life and death, the 28-year-old from Bergen clarifies.

– Those who get infected and are lucky and survive, what do they do if they suffer other damage to health and the lungs collapse in five years? What do you do if a whole generation suffers long-term injuries? she asks.

SEAL ACHIEVED: During the World Championships in Athletics in 2013, Isabelle Pedersen did an interview with NRK who has followed her ever since. Reporter / video: Øyvind Godø / Kristoffer Løkås
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– embarrassing

Isabelle Pedersen also reacts to how expensive it has long been to buy face masks.

– I understand that someone cannot wear a mask because they do not have the funds for it. We are not going to make money from the virus, it is said, but then it costs 200 crowns for ten masks, he says.

Pedersen adds that he thinks it is incredibly shameful and embarrassing to go out and say that no money should be made from a virus, when at the same time such a high price has been set for bandages.

– Total shit

The athletic profile will also not listen to people who are tired of living in harmony with necessary infection control measures.

– People say they are bored and use it as an argument, but it’s silly. Everyone is bored. Everyone wants more freedom, but we can’t. If we do not meet soon, we will have to re-close the partnership completely. Who wants that? Pedersen asks.

– What do you do if it lasts like this for two years? You can pass. It doesn’t take more than one person to infect 2,000 more, as we saw in Australia and New Zealand. A jerk. At the same time, it takes only one voice to convince someone for the better.

Pedersen is concerned about the lack of seriousness and willingness to follow necessary infection control measures among many Norwegians.

– I don’t want Grandma to die. She is the only grandmother I have left. I don’t want my parents to get sick. I have friends with at-risk parents. What guilt do you feel if you are the reason why some of them get infected? she asks.

– SAD: Isabelle Pedersen is silent for some of the photos she publishes on social networks. Reporter / video: Øyvind Godø / Kristoffer Løkås
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– The most serious situation

Norway now has the highest number of hospitalized covid-19 patients since May.

– We are facing the most serious situation of reversing the infection since March. If we act now, there is a much better chance that we can have a normal Christmas celebration with the extended family, Prime Minister Erna Solberg said in a press release last week.

The Prime Minister made it clear that how we all behave in the coming weeks is absolutely crucial to the development of the infection.

- Great body pressure for children.

– Great body pressure for children.

– Unfortunately, we must be prepared for the fact that there will be more hospitalized with covid-19 in the future and there will be more seriously ill. We must introduce new measures to reverse this development, said the Minister of Health and Care Services, Bent Høie.

It already announces powerful new measures this week to reduce infection.

– Now it’s serious. In the last 24 hours, 700 new infections have been recorded in Norway. Every morning we wake up to new infection logs. We have outbreaks in every county.

According to the minister, Norway is now in the second wave of the virus.

– If this development continues, our health service will go to its knees, as we see happening in one country after another in Europe. We all need a man on deck.
