Proposal for new crown rules in Nord-Jæren – NRK Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio


The municipal director, Per Kristian Vareide in Stavanger, presents a series of proposals for recommendations and prohibitions on Saturday morning to prevent coronary heart disease from spreading in Nord-Jæren.

Per Kristian Vareide is a councilor in Stavanger Municipality.

City manager Per Kristian Vareide submits his proposal for stricter rules in Stavanger, to get rid of coronary heart disease.

Photo: Mars Skodje / NRK

It is the municipality’s politicians who will make the final decision in a meeting on Sunday afternoon.

This is the proposal

Residents must drive smaller buses and trains. If they still have to use public transportation and taxis, then they must wear bandages.

The use of bandages also applies to relatives and other people visiting homes for the elderly and elderly.

The municipal director proposes the prohibition of grassroots sports and other leisure activities for adults in groups of more than 10 people.

There will be an obligation to register to facilitate the tracking work, for events with more than 20 people.

– The national regulation wins 50 people, so this is a restriction of the regulation, emphasizes the municipal director Vareide.

The registration requirement also applies to guests in restaurants.

Vågen in the center of Stavanger

The city manager will be required to register for guests at Stavanger nightclubs.

Photo: Frida Ripland Moberg / NRK

People who can, to a greater extent than today, must use home offices.

It doesn’t go as far as Bergen and Oslo

Although the growth of the infection has passed 27 cases per. 100,000 inhabitants a week ago, compared to 70 today, but the municipalities of Nord-Jæren do not go as far as Bergen and Oslo.

– We have considered whether we should close, for example, the cinema and the gym, but so far we have come to the conclusion that it is not necessary, says the mayor of Stavanger, Kari Nessa Nordtun. (Labor).

Kari Nessa Nordtun (Labor Party), Mayor of Stavanger

The Mayor of Stavanger calls for residents to return to the hard work spirit of March this year. Then the infection rate dropped dramatically in a short time.

Photo: Odd Rune Kyllingstad / NRK

Joint proposal for all of Nord-Jæren

Politicians will likely agree common rules for the four Nord-Jæren municipalities – Stavanger, Sandnes, Sola and Randaberg – when they meet on Sunday afternoon.

The new local regulations will apply from next Tuesday, November 10.
