Promises an orderly transition if Trump loses the election – VG


A “MUST SEE” US President Donald Trump will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses the election, but several of his party colleagues will. Photo: Yuri Gripas / ABACA POOL / NTB

Republican party leaders do not support President Trump’s statement that he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses the election.

Statements by the President of the United States, Donald Trump, that he will not necessarily agree to resign from power if he loses the November elections have attracted attention.

Republican Senator Mitt Romney compares President Donald Trump’s recent remarks to the situation in Belarus, and now several well-known Republicans disagree with it.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell used his cell phone and Twitter on Thursday to reassure people.

– The winner of the November 3 elections will be installed on January 20. It will be an orderly transition, as it has been every four years since 1792, McConnell writes. Twitter.

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HE WILL CALM: Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell assures his supporters that they need not fear that a defeat in the election could trigger riots and violence. Photo: NICHOLAS KAMM / AFP


No president prior to current Donald Trump has made such a statement in modern history, writes the New York Times.

The president’s statement is described by the newspaper as a “threat to undermine the democratic process.”

Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney is another Republican who tweeted about the incident to allay any concerns among voters about the time after the Nov. 3 election.

“The peaceful transfer of power is enshrined in the Constitution and is essential for the survival of our republic. America’s leaders are taking the oath to the Constitution. It is an oath that we will keep, “Cheney wrote. Twitter.

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Second time

This is not the first time that Trump has hinted that he will not voluntarily relinquish power if he loses the presidential election to Joe Biden on November 3.

In July, too, Trump said he had to “see” whether he would accept the election result.

This time, on Wednesday of this week, the statement came at a press conference at the White House. A reporter wanted to know if the president would commit to a peaceful transfer of power, if he won, lost or died.

– We have to see what happens. You know I have complained terribly about mail ballots, mail ballots are a disaster, replied the president.

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It is compared to the dictatorship

Despite the fact that several of the president’s party colleagues try to calm the mood on social media, the vast majority are very careful when expressing any kind of direct criticism of the president.

The exception is Mitt Romney, who lives up to his reputation as someone who is not afraid to speak out against the president.

– A peaceful transfer of power is absolutely essential in a democracy. Without it, it is Belarus. Any suggestion that a president does not want to respect this constitutional guarantee is unthinkable and unacceptable, Romney wrote on Twitter.

In Belarus, there has been a fierce battle for the last month and a half between the people who speak out against President Lukashenko and the supporters of the president and the power apparatus. The use of prison, violence, kidnapping and threats have often been used by force against the opposition.

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