Presidential elections in the United States, Donald Trump


“I take full responsibility,” Trump said much to Biden’s surprise.

American voters witnessed a much more civilized and educated debate Friday night than they expected. Many American media write that President Donald Trump was moderate and disciplined during the last presidential debate.

Watch the video above: Biden closed his eyes when Trump took over

All the interruptions, derailments and insults, which largely marked the first debate, had been replaced by full responses, reasoning and political messages.

Also read: CNN Commentator: – Internet will devastate Biden’s blister

Before the debate, several wrote that the Trump campaign had advised the president to adopt a much calmer tone toward the opposing candidate and drop the worst personal attacks.

– Finally, he listened to us, says a Trump campaign adviser to the Axios website.

Although Trump has received a lot of positive publicity for showing restraint, senior adviser Eirik Løkke of the Civita think tank believes it was Biden who ultimately emerged victorious from the debate.

– I think Biden just won. But overall, this debate did not move any voters. It was a huge advantage for Biden, because all he had to do was get through the debate without saying anything stupid. And he did. However, Trump had to change the whole dynamic to win new voters and he was unsuccessful, Løkke tells Nettavisen.

American Expert: Trump vs Biden: Norwegian Expert Points to Tonight’s Winner

– Demanding for Trump

– What was the most sensational of the debate?

– It was that Trump was as disciplined as he was, and that he finally listened to his advisers, says Løkke.

– He seemed as disciplined as he probably can. It’s probably demanding for Trump. But if he had been so disciplined during the election campaign, or the presidency for that matter, he would be much better off now.

– So good that he would get re-elected, Løkke?

– It’s hard to say, but at least I would have had a better chance. By being equally disciplined throughout the remainder of the election campaign, you can also strengthen your chances. But he has to climb a big hill in order to be successful with that, if we are to believe the polls, and there are reasons to do so, says Løkke.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Challenger Joe Biden closed his eyes as President Donald Trump took full responsibility for the pandemic.

Challenger Joe Biden closed his eyes as President Donald Trump took full responsibility for the pandemic.
Photo: screenshot (CNN)

The bite closed his eyes

Biden was also obviously surprised by Trump. At one point, Biden got so trapped on the bed that he closed his eyes. It happened when Trump said he was taking full responsibility for the corona pandemic.

– He says we learn to live with it. People learn to die from it. You at home who have an empty chair at the kitchen table this morning. The wife or husband who goes to bed and out of habit approaches her husband or wife who is gone. Do you learn to live with it? Honestly. We die with it, Biden said.

– What should people do with this father? And then you say “I take no responsibility,” Biden said.

Read from the debate: – We are ridiculed as a nation for this

– I take full responsibility, said Trump and thus made Biden open his eyes.

– It’s not my fault you came here. It’s China’s fault. And you know what? It’s not Joe Biden’s fault either. It’s China’s fault. They managed to prevent it from spreading inland to the rest of China. But they didn’t stop the spread to the rest of the world. Including Europe and ourselves, Trump said.

Biden then went on to criticize Trump for downplaying the danger of the virus at the start of the pandemic.

– The fact is that when we knew it would come when (the virus) hit. What happened after? What did the president say? He said “Don’t worry.” It is going away. He left before Easter. Chill out. It disappears with warmer weather. He hasn’t been worried. Maybe inject bleach. He said he was joking, but many thought he was serious. There are a lot of things the president has said. Even today, he thinks we are in control. We are losing another 200,000 people, Biden said.

Click the pic to enlarge.  NBC News' Kristen Welker, who led the latest debate, was praised by Trump when the session ended.

NBC News’ Kristen Welker, who led the latest debate, was praised by Trump when the session ended.
Photo: Jim Bourg (AP)

– He called me a racist

However, Trump responded that he was quick to close the US border to enter from China.

– Look here. Just to end this. I played with that, he said, referring to the bleach comment that fell earlier this year.

– When I closed (the border), he said he shouldn’t have closed. And it went on for months. Nancy Pelosi says the same. He danced on the street in Chinatown, San Francisco. But when I closed, he said “this is a terrible thing, you are xenophobic”. I even think he called me a racist. Because I closed the border to China. Now it says it should have closed earlier. Joe, this is not working, Trump said.

– I said neither party stopped Biden.

“He absolutely did,” Trump said.

– I spoke of xenophobia in another context. It was not about closing the border for entry from China, Biden said.

Also read: Biden: Countries that interfere in elections will be punished

Also read: Trump: a coronary vaccine is weeks away

The crown pandemic and the economy are seen as the core issues of most concern to American voters this election campaign. To date, more than 220,000 Americans have died from COVID-19.

Although the debate ended with almost no interruptions and personal attacks, there were still some falsehoods that were conveyed during the debate. According to fact-checkers at The New York Times, Trump and Biden were lied to.
