President of the United States, Donald Trump: – Spread Obama’s “sick” theory


The feared terrorist leader Osama bin Laden lives and invents new attacks against the United States. Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton orchestrated the assassination of the al Qaeda leader and instead executed US special forces to cover up the case.

That is the essence of the savage conspiracy theory that the president of the United States, Donald Trump, shared with his 87.2 million followers. on Twitter Wednesday.

The news is met by the resignation of Norwegian-American experts.

– This is completely sick. What else is there to say? Asks lead researcher Svein Melby rhetorically.

– I can no longer bear to describe Trump’s idiocy, says American expert Hilmar Mjelde.

THEORIES: This photo was taken in the White House situation room on the day that US special forces took action against Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden in Abottabad, Pakistan, on May 1, 2011. Photo: Reuters / NTB
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Sad and tired

Melby has followed and researched American politics, and in particular foreign and security policy, for several decades. He describes this year’s election campaign as “sad” and “exhausting.”

– Never in my time, and it’s starting to be a few years, I was close to seeing something like that. He just slaps his arms and … yes, says Melby with resignation.

He adds:

– Coping with this gives it meaning it shouldn’t and gives it a dignity it doesn’t deserve. It is so sad and completely absurd.

ATTACK: President Donald Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, urges Americans to cast their votes early and warns that the Trump administration is working to prevent people from voting. Video: TheShadeRoom
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– Use the office to troll

The American expert and researcher Mjelde, from the Norce research center, shares Melby’s opinion and believes that this example “goes to the heart of one of the main criticisms of Trump.”

– That he uses the office to troll and be a political commentator instead of ruling the country, and that he’s satisfied with that, says Mjelde.

Facebook and Twitter block Biden's article

Facebook and Twitter block Biden’s article

He believes that Trump is the president of modern times who has most indifferent if “what he says is true or accurate.”

– Why is Trump spreading such theories?

– Because he’s a provocateur. For a long time, he seemed to like the platform that the presidency gives him, but not his actual job duties, Mjelde responds.

– Does he himself believe in theories?

– It’s just as bad if you believe in this and if you don’t believe in it, but still get it back. The President of the United States promotes the use of disinformation, thereby undermining American democracy.

NO FRIENDS: US President Donald Trump believes his predecessor, Barack Obama, is behind the biggest crime in American political history. Photo: REUTERS / Carlos Barria / File photo. Video: AP
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What is QAnon?

The QAnon movement is behind the conspiracy theory, which Trump shared parts of Wednesday. The same movement is behind several conspiracy theories, but it has a wild and intricate main theory:

That several prominent Democrats, including Biden, Obama, and Clinton, have underground tunnels where children are sexually abused, and that they, along with “left” celebrities and cultural figures, participate in the satanic and sexual exploitation of children, who have the intention to rule the United States and the world.

Impact measure for Trump: Biden walks away

Impact measure for Trump: Biden walks away

It is not clear how they relate to one another, but the cure for this is none other than US President Donald Trump, according to the QAnon movement.

American expert Mjelde thinks he sees a trend in American politics.

– The rhetoric and methods of the far right have now entered the mainstream of politics in the United States. We also see it with Congressional candidate Marjorie Taylor Greene in the state of Georgia, who will soon be elected to Congress, she says.

Greene is called the “QAnon candidate” by the US press because she is a supporter of the QAnon movement.

STORM: After these images of the American doctor went viral, there have been many conspiracy theories about Anthony Fauci on social media. Photo: AFP
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Obama’s theory began

It’s also nothing new that Trump is spreading conspiracy theories. He was one of the people behind the so-called “birther” conspiracy theory, which claims that former US President Barack Obama was not born in the United States.

To become an American president, one has to not only be an American citizen, but also have to be born in the United States.

He defended the theory for several years before, towards the end of his own election campaign in 2016, finally saying:

Strong reaction to Dagbladet photos: - Alarming

Strong reaction to Dagbladet photos: – Alarming

“President Barack Obama was born in the United States. Period.”

– Trump is surrounded by an ecosystem of the so-called confirmation bias. In other words, blood fanatics and online trolls in personal worship and in the corners of the internet confirming and cheering him on. Colleagues in the Republican Party shake their heads in despair over all this, says Mjelde.

While it may be popular with Trump supporters, it also hurts, the American expert believes.

– All of this has real negative consequences for Trump. It reduces your ability to build political coalitions to get things done in Washington, DC.
