Polish mares tested negative


A weak positive test by Polish jumper Klemens Muranka on Monday meant the team’s seven jumpers were unable to start qualifying at Oberstdorf.

But the organizer opened up for the Polish jumpers to participate anyway if they took new negative tests. Now they have, confirms the Polish Ski Federation in a Twitter message.

All jumpers and members of the support system have been tested negative for coronavirus. This means that the opening race on Tuesday is held with Polish participation.

Poland will have their own training round before the test round. All 62 jumpers will start in the race and it will not be the traditional tee format. The race will be held as a regular World Cup race.

The Polish paratroopers were tested again on Monday after Muranka’s “false positive”, and all tests came back negative. They were also the third tests, which were answered on Tuesday morning.

Poland has had good results in the jump week between Germany and Austria in recent seasons. Dawid Kubacki won last season, while the 2017 and 2018 editions ended with a victory for Kamil Stoch.

Big favorite Halvor Egner Granerud showed his form during qualifying on Monday when he became the next best jumper behind German Philipp Aschenwald.

SHARED HOTEL: National team manager Alexander Stöckl and the Norwegian jumpers live in the same hotel as the Polish national team.

SHARED HOTEL: National team manager Alexander Stöckl and the Norwegian jumpers live in the same hotel as the Polish national team. Photo: Geir Olsen
