Police were warned about an unstable person as early as Thursday – VG


KILLED OF INJURIES: The man police assume is the one who stabbed a woman on Friday, himself died shortly after being found by police. The man is said to have fallen out of a tree he climbed, police say. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen

Large police forces searched Friday afternoon and evening for a man who had stabbed a woman in Elverum. Already the day before, the police received information about a mentally unstable person in Terningmoen. On Friday night, the man died of his injuries.

Police tell VG that they still do not know if the person they were called Thursday night is the same as the woman who stabbed in Elverum on Friday.

– Now we have to investigate and see if the stabbing is related to the other messages we have received, says Tom Johnsen, geographic manager for the operational unit east of the Inland Police District.

It was Snorre Mikkelsen who on Thursday night made a report of concern to Elverum police. Mikkelsen, who is a radiologist in Ahus, had taken a bus to Elverum the same day to visit his girlfriend.

On board the bus, he was contacted by a young man in his late teens. The man was dressed finely, had wounds on his arms, and appeared unsteady.

– I experienced it as strange and strange. Not intoxicated or threatening, but perhaps rather paranoid or manic, Mikkelsen tells VG.

CONCERNED: Snorre Mikkelsen called the police because he was concerned about the person he met on the Skedsmo to Elverum bus Thursday night. Police say they searched for the man Thursday but could not find him. Photo: Private

I call the Police

When the bus stopped at Terningmoen military camp, the young man got out.

– I said that he had to take care of himself and find a place to live so as not to die of cold, says Mikkelsen.

On the advice of his girlfriend, he called the police about the man.

– I told them several times that it seemed like he was in danger to himself since he was dressed so thin. The police asked me if he had asked for help himself and he didn’t. The police responded that they should write down the information, but I didn’t get the impression that they were taking it that seriously, says Mikkelsen.

His girlfriend also overheard the conversation with the police.

The victim is stable

On Friday afternoon, a woman was stabbed in Elverum and large police forces searched for the perpetrator. Police urged people to stay inside while the search continued.

The woman was taken to Ullevål hospital and, according to Innlandet police, is out of danger.

– We have been informed that his condition is stable and that he seems to be doing well, Johnsen in the Innlandet police district tells VG.

WIDE SEARCH: Large teams participated in the search for the person who stabbed a woman in Elverum. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen

The alleged perpetrator was found on Friday night, not far from Terningmoen camp. He was injured after falling from a tree and later that night died from his injuries.

Police say they do not yet know if this is the perpetrator, and if it is the same person who took the bus to Elverum along with Snorre Mikkelsen.

I looked for Thursday

Tom Johansen says the police took Mikkelsen’s phone call more seriously than he had the impression.

– Several searches were conducted last night and last night, after that information came in. But no finds were made, says Johansen.

The special unit for police affairs has been notified of the case.

– It is routine when a person dies in connection with the police conducting an investigation. It is the Office itself that decides whether or not to investigate the case, says Johnsen.

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