Police regret punishing Kongsberg man who hung Muhammad cartoon – VG


In various places in Kongsberg, the man hung posters featuring Kurt Westergaard’s 2005 cartoon of Muhammad. Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB

Regional leader Øyvind Aas in the southeastern police district apologizes for police behavior towards a Kongsberg man who knocked the police on the door Monday night.

The reason for the visit of four uniformed police officers was that the man had hung several posters with caricatures of Muhammad around Kongsberg.

The police told the man to remove the posters because in the opinion of the police they contained content that could offend many. Now the police are lying down, writes Aftenposten.

– We can’t order you to take them. Nor should we think about what statements are hung, he says and calls it a “real bug”. I go to bed, Aas tells the newspaper on Sunday.

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The Kongsberg man, who wishes to remain anonymous, says the idea was to show sympathy for French history professor Samuel Paty, who was beheaded.

He does not hide from Aftenposten that he also did it to provoke the police. He chose places where he knew his car would be caught on surveillance cameras. He says he knew it was not allowed to hang posters without permission, but he does not believe the police would have appeared if they had hung posters with cartoons of Jesus, Marx or Buddha.

The man says he notified Hege Storhaug at the Human Rights Service (HRS) about the behavior of the police and that the case was first mentioned by them.

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