Peter Madsen was taken hostage – VG


During the escape attempt, convicted murderer Peter Madsen held the prison psychologist hostage with a gun-like object.

This is confirmed by the president of the Danish prison association, Bo Yde Sørensen, to Ekstra Bladet. She further claims that she is a civilian employee.

– The weapon looked real, so the prison guards at the gate did not dare to take any risks in relation to the hostage, whom they considered in danger of death. They choose to leave it outside the door. It is a decision that I support. We will not risk anyone being killed and then we must find the person, he tells the newspaper.

Convicted killer Peter Madsen was arrested Tuesday after an attempted escape from Herstedvester prison. Madsen is said to have recovered 4-500 meters from the prison before he was finally arrested.

TATT: That’s how it was before Peter Madsen was arrested on Tuesday. Photo: Nils Meilvang / Ritzau Scanpix

Ekstra Bladet and other Danish media have written that Madsen threatened a bomb, but this has not been confirmed. The photo published in Ekstra Bladet shows Madsen having what is reminiscent of a bomb belt around his waist.

Police cordoned off a large area around the site. Danish police moved in with snipers, bomb squad and command center.

Images from the scene show two snipers lying on the ground and staring at Madsen sitting next to a bush in the middle of a residential area.

In 2018, Madsen was sentenced to life in prison for the abuse and murder of Kim Wall, a Swedish journalist who was invited on a trip in the submarine that Madsen had built himself.

Madsen himself has only admitted to having separated Wall’s body and believes he acted in a panic. He explained that he died as a result of poisoning aboard the submarine.

In a recent Danish Discovery Networks documentary, Madsen, on the other hand, confesses to being behind the murder.

– It has nothing to do with who’s to blame. It’s my fault she died. And it’s my fault, because I committed the crime. It’s all my fault, he says in a telephone conversation with a journalist from Discovery’s “Secret Recordings” program.

The case is continually updated.

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