Party participant after the cave party: – Regrets – VG


A woman in her 20s describes the cave party as one of the funniest nights of 2020, but regrets leaving after realizing the consequences.

So far, two people have been charged after the party at the abandoned shelter in St. Hanshaugen on Sunday night, which ended with 27 people being admitted to the Oslo University Hospital due to carbon monoxide poisoning. Not everyone is still in print.

On Tuesday, police forensic technicians entered the bunker to conduct investigations. It was much bigger than they were prepared for.

A party participant in her 20s tells VG that she was invited to the party through a person who goes to the same school. She and the group of friends had decided not to leave due to the risk of infection, but were persuaded when they were at the prelude in the area.

She says they were convinced that the organizers had rented a room and that not many people would be coming.

– You don’t think someone has entered a cave, she says.

– You are desperate to live life

The woman says that there was a good atmosphere in the bunker and that everyone was dancing. She also experienced that there was plenty of space and fresh air, because it was cool.

– You are desperate to live life. So it’s tempting, even if it’s selfish. Honestly, I had one of the funniest days of 2020, but when you think about the consequences, you regret it, he says.

GET OUT OF CONTROL: Up to 200 people partied in this cave in St. Hanshaugen until Sunday night. Several of the party participants were sent unconscious to the hospital after carbon monoxide poisoning. Photo: Private

The party participant says she left the room around 03:30. Down in the cave the atmosphere was calm, but outside there were ambulances and police patrols while several people were scattered on the ground.

– At first I thought they were too drunk, because then we did not know that there was poisoning in the air, he says.

Helped transport unconscious people

The woman says she and others helped police transport unconscious people on stretchers. She allegedly asked one of them to pinch her arm if he could hear her.

– But there was no reaction. Then I realized that something was seriously wrong.

Read also: Cave Party Manager (24) for VG: – Out of Control

ATTENDANCE: Forensic technicians entered the cave Tuesday to conduct investigations. Photo: TORE KRISTIANSEN

When her father found out the next day that she had been to the party, he was upset that she had not thought about the consequences of having a diesel generator standing in a locked room.

“But it’s not like going to a party and thinking about where the music is coming from,” he says.

Did you bring it with you? The cave party wasn’t his first – he broke into the Stordalen construction site to have a rave party.

– I thought they rented a nightclub.

Another party participant (24) says he was invited while at another party on Saturday night. He says he knew beforehand that it was a rave party.

– But it’s not that I was in a cave and that it was so narrow. We thought they had rented a nightclub, says the 24-year-old, who later regrets leaving.

In addition, he says that it did not cost money to enter, but that the organizers were concerned that no one would light up at the entrance and thus reveal them.

In the cave, according to the party participant, there was a “wild atmosphere.”

– But it was a bit scary because it was too tight. The walls go inward the higher you climb, so I was afraid of hitting my head on the rock wall, he says.

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How the body is affected by carbon monoxide poisoning: – It feels like you’ve climbed Mount Everest

– I had nothing else to go to

– Did you think about infection control?

– You take it very fast and you think that the crown has calmed down. Then all the nightclubs closed, so we had nothing else to go to. They should definitely reopen, he says.

The man says the organizers spoke clearly when people moved into the room where the units were. However, he thinks it sounds strange that the door has been closed, as one of the organizers has told VG.

– It wasn’t closed when I was there. I saw that the system power cables were in the door, and I don’t see any way you could have locked the door with them in a pinch. I didn’t think much of it at the time, other than that it was a bit “ghetto”, but not that there could be an immediate danger of suffocation.

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