Preparing for a Season without Cross Border Trade – E24

[ad_1] Norwegian breweries have made a lot of money from closed Swedish borders. Now soda and marzipan producers are looking forward to a good Christmas season. – The Christmas shower season will be very pleasant this year. IN STORE: Christmas soda appears in store at around the same time each …

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– Has had many social contacts – VG

[ad_1] INFECTION TREND HIGH: According to VG’s summary, Trondheim Township has an increasing infection trend following new cases this weekend. Photo: Gorm Kallestad, NTB Around 150 students are in quarantine after five NTNU students tested positive this weekend. The municipal chief is concerned that one of the infected is more …

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Kim Jong-un tearfully apologized in televised speech

[ad_1] North Korean leader Kim Jong-un delivered a speech this weekend in connection with the 75th anniversary of the North Korean ruling party. In the speech, he shed tears and came with a rare apology, writes The Guardian. The British newspaper quotes the Korea Times, which writes that Kim regretted …

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“I hate you, Herman Flesvig” – VG

[ad_1] ARMY BOYS: Swear in Vatne Brean and Herman Flesvig as part of “Army boys” in the series “First time service” Photo: NRK screenshot Friends Sjur Vatne Brean and Tord Kinge had to follow closely when they played Herman Flesvig. He made new comments on each take. – It was …

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Oslo, Tram | Here is the new Oslo tram

[ad_1] The first new tram has arrived in Oslo. GREFSEN (Nettavisen): The first of a total of 87 new trams has arrived in Oslo, and on Monday the tram will be shown to both the press and the population of the city. The presentation will take place in Sporveien in …

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National Team, Soccer | Haaland and Ødegaard stole the headlines, but the expert points to a completely different player

[ad_1] Lars Lagerbäck took action after the recession against Serbia. Now one of the players who had the opportunity feels especially honored. NORWAY – ROMANIA 4-0 STADION ULLEVAAL (Nettavisen): Lagerbäck opted to make several changes to the starting lineup against Romania after the swoon against Serbia. Tore Reginiussen, Stefan Johansen, …

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Ten new cases of infection in Trondheim this weekend

[ad_1] The case is being updated. Of a total of 844 tested, ten people were diagnosed with the coronavirus this weekend. They all have mild symptoms. Those infected are: Friday:Two people in their 20s, both close contacts with a known infection. Saturday:A person in his 20s, the source of infection …

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