Man (26) died in fire in Melkeplassen – NRK Vestland

[ad_1] – What has emerged during the investigation, we believe does not provide a basis for incarceration, says police attorney Sven Arne Dahl-Michelsen in the West Police District. He is responsible for the investigation of the Melkeplassen fire in Bergen’s Laksevåg district on Monday. Dahl-Michelsen says it was a 26-year-old …

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Pushwagner’s ballot reduction: this was Pushwagner’s last trip

[ad_1] – Your line was magical and your friendship a jewel, says friend and author Jan Verner-Carlsson in front of the obelisk recently presented by Pushwagner. More than two years after one of Norway’s most famous visual artists, Terje “Hariton Pushwagner” Brofos (1940-2018), was buried in Kunstnernes hus, the urn …

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Spoke to Kiwi – continue as store manager

[ad_1] The day after Dagsavisen Fremtiden wrote that Inge Holtlien resigns as Kiwi Mjøndalen store manager, after disagreements with Kiwi centrally on how the store should be run, it is decided that she will continue at work. This was made clear during a meeting between Kiwi management and the Holtlien …

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Now it’s getting slippery

[ad_1] – We can issue warnings to make people aware that there may be snow in places where there hasn’t been as much snow this year, says state meteorologist Marit Berger of the Meteorological Institute. This applies to northern Norway in the next few days, but it can also get …

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King Harald: – Had this in the open air bathroom.

[ad_1] On Wednesday the book “The King Counts” was published, written by former editor Harald Stanghelle. The book has been created as a result of a series of conversations with King Harald (83) and contains several funny little details from the king’s life at 83 years old. In the book, …

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