Entered 22,000 user accounts – tested on 150,000 – E24

[ad_1] Today, the unknown perpetrators managed to get into 22,000 of Schibsted’s accounts. A total of 150,000 accounts were attempted to be hacked. Schibsted CEO Kristin Skogen Lund. The company he runs has been the subject of a major data breach in which thousands of usernames and passwords have been …

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Corona cost municipalities NOK 14 billion – E24

[ad_1] The corona pandemic will cost county municipalities and municipalities NOK 14 billion in 2020, according to a task force with KS members and six ministries. The Minister of Local Government, Nikolai Astrup (H), today presented a partial report on how the crown has affected the municipalities. see more by …

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Asbjørn (43) and Christine (33) cannot leave the room:

[ad_1] In recent days, the coronavirus has hit Hammerfest Hospital. On Thursday afternoon, it emerged that two hospital employees had been infected, before it became clear a few hours later that a third employee had been infected. During a press conference on Friday, the hospital stated that two new employees …

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Recalls nationwide – VG

[ad_1] POISONED: Norgesgruppen Communications Manager Kine Søyland confirms to VG that Bakehuset’s Eldorado “grain bread” and “Fitness baguette” contain sesame seeds that have been poisoned in India. Photo: Norgesgruppen Several chains are recalling their products after it became known today that a batch of sesame seeds has been contaminated. Eldorado …

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