He deeply regrets having misinformed the city council

[ad_1] Education Director Marte Gerhardsen gave incorrect information at a meeting with the city council’s education and culture committee. Marte Gerhardsen, director of the Education Agency. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB Oct 16, 2020 8:49 PM Last update a moment ago At the previous meeting of the City Council’s …

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He deeply regrets having misinformed the city council

[ad_1] Education Director Marte Gerhardsen gave incorrect information at a meeting with the city council’s education and culture committee. Marte Gerhardsen, director of the Education Agency. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB Oct 16, 2020 8:49 PM Last update a moment ago At the previous meeting of the City Council’s …

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Sander (17) fears every time he takes the bus:

[ad_1] As Sander Rognlien Pettersen (17) was heading home on Wednesday night, what had happened so many times before happened. She had just gone to the movies with her support contact and tried to keep warm in the autumn darkness at the Sandvika bus station. When the bus arrived at …

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US Presidential Election, Joe Biden |

[ad_1] Joe Biden declined to respond, but promises responses to voters before Election Day. Both President Donald Trump and challenger Joe Biden tried to dodge tough questions when asked on a wall at their respective public meetings Thursday night. See video above: Here Biden Refuses to Answer While Trump was …

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Headless man on the outskirts of Paris – VG

[ad_1] A professor died in what is called a beheading in a Paris suburb, French police say. The victim had shown cartoons of Muhammad during the hour, according to AFP. AFP reported shortly after 6.30 pm on Friday night that a man had been beheaded in a northwestern suburb of …

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