Headless deer found in Ikea bag

[ad_1] – I don’t understand how people can get away from something like that, says Grethe Netland Dypvik to Dagbladet, after making the macabre discovery in the immediate area. The case was first mentioned by Fædrelandvennen. Dybvik lives on Strai, which is about 8 kilometers from Kristiansand city center. When …

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Action P3: – The bloody trick arouses outrage:

[ad_1] It’s time for the TV campaign, and in keeping with tradition, the editorial staff at NRK P3 offered a hack to raise as much money as possible last week. That the different profiles attract attention with their inventions is nothing new, and especially the total change of Ronny Brede …

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– Oh my God

[ad_1] LAST: On Monday night Norwegian time, Donald Trump held a joint telephone meeting with many of the employees in his election campaign. Among other things, he referred to America’s leading infection control expert Anthony Fauci as “a disaster,” well-marked after saying he’s a “good guy.” – He’s been here …

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That’s why I support Donald Trump

[ad_1] Last time, the United States elected Trump in a showdown with self-absorbed corrupt politicians. Now he is elected because the voters believe in him and are excited. Published Published Right now Former Bergen school counselor Tomas Moltu is a strong supporter of US President Donald Trump. Photo: Tor Høvik …

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Researcher behind the report on culture in the police:

[ad_1] Since the findings of the research project on culture in the police service were known last Wednesday, the researchers behind the project have received several cases of alert. – There are several who notify us about the cases they have found. This gives us a more solid basis to …

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