Henrik Ingebrigtsen, Karsten Warholm | The Ingebrigtsen brothers arrived in Warholm after a declaration from the King’s Cup. Now they explain the reaction:

[ad_1] When Karsten Warholm (24) asked for a justification as to why Jakob Ingebrigtsen (20) received the King’s Cup, brothers Henrik and Filip Ingebrigtsen shook their heads in despair. NORWAY SPORTS COLLEGE (Nettavisen): – It is he who says he is very humble, so he also has to prove it …

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Weather, snowfall | First snow of this year in southern Norway

[ad_1] The snow announced its arrival at higher areas in several places in southern and eastern Norway on Tuesday night, but no incidents have been reported on the roads. The Eastern Police District Police report several road accidents, especially in Romerike. – The police ask everyone to drive in accordance …

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The corona infection died on an airplane.

[ad_1] On Sunday, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said a 30-year-old woman who had been diagnosed with Covid-19 died on a flight between Arizona and Texas in July. Jenkins said the woman had difficulty breathing and received oxygen treatment while the plane was parked on the runway, according to NBC …

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– Leave the car!

[ad_1] On Tuesday morning, the Eastern Police District declares that they have been notified of several traffic accidents and therefore asks everyone to drive in accordance with the conditions. Police also encourage everyone to switch to winter tires if conditions call for it. #East police district Police receive several reports …

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Trying to open the borders of international aviation

[ad_1] In June, the international aviation organization IATA expected international traffic to resume in the fourth quarter. The capacity is still minimal. In Asia, where many countries have achieved infection control, the borders are almost hermetically sealed. Crown test for one hundred crowns Airline loss estimates for 2020 are $ …

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Trump’s New Target: – Idiot, Disaster

[ad_1] TUCSON, ARIZONA (Dagbladet): USA has much stricter bandage recommendations than Norway. Mouthpieces are recommended in public, but are also required in supermarkets, restaurants, bars, and other outlets, unless you are seated. At the gigantic Trump rallies, which regularly draw thousands of people together, face masks are recommended. They are …

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