Sophie Elise: – Reveals the real reason for leaving the dance.

[ad_1] – All this experience of “Bailamos” has been only positive, it’s about me. I’ve loved being involved, but now my body just said enough, said Sophie Elise Isachsen (25) in 2018, midway through the “Let’s Dance” season. Just hours before tonight’s broadcast, he decided to leave the competition. She …

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Vedum won’t do a PR stunt with Støre

[ad_1] – Why should Norway’s most popular politicians pose for photos with one of the least popular? asks a central Party Party source for TV 2. TV 2 knows that Trygve Slagsvold Vedum as recently as Friday turned down a request from Jonas Gahr Støre’s new chief of staff, Siri …

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“Tell my children that I love them” – VG

[ad_1] WORKED AS A NURSING ASSISTANT: Simone Barreto Silva was originally from Brazil, but had lived in France for the past 30 years. Photo: SIMONE BARRETO SILVA / REUTERS NICE / OSLO (VG) The mother of three Simone Barreto Silva was one of the three victims of the knife attack …

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Donald Trump – – Irresponsible and dangerous

[ad_1] On Friday, during an election rally in Waterford Township, Michigan, US President Donald Trump made critical comments against doctors treating COVID-19 patients. He writes, among others, The New York Times. The president noted that patients at risk, with other fatal diseases, can be reported as corona deaths if they …

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Excited Equinor Employees Received Corona Test Answers – E24

[ad_1] On Friday afternoon, the response to the third crown test came from one of Equinor’s Oseberg rigs. The Oseberg field is now returning to normal operation. see more by schemeSCANPIX / X01059 Published:Posted: Oct 30, 2020 5:12 pm About 20 people were quarantined Friday at the Oseberg Field Center, …

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