Enforce the rules for close contacts – VG

[ad_1] INFECTION AT HOME: Health and Care Services Minister Bent Høie says a significant proportion of infection occurs among those living together, and new measures to prevent further infections at home went into effect on Friday. Photo: Frode Hansen The government is now giving new advice to stop the infection …

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– I felt a bit stupid – E24

[ad_1] Martin Schütt went from consulting to creating new companies. Along the way, he’s learned that big players aren’t so scary and that employees have to pay for vacations. Askeladden founder Martin Schütt specializes in challenging existing industries. see more by schemeHanna Kristin Hjardar Published:Updated: October 31, 2020 11:08 am, …

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Six things you need to know about the American elections

[ad_1] Now there are only a few days left until Donald Trump or Joe Biden are elected as the next president of the United States. ILLUSTRATION: MARVIN HALLERAKER. Published Published Right now commentary This is a comment. Comments are written by BT commenters, editors, and guest commentators, and express their …

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