We should expect zero interest rates for a long time

[ad_1] Experts are clear that the interest rate will remain at zero when Norges Bank publishes its interest rate decision on November 5. – The situation of the crown is overwhelming. The infection has now recovered, with a lockdown in Europe and tighter restrictions in Norway. This is what creates …

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Upset after mosque reveal: – Threat

[ad_1] – Foreign funding of religious communities can lead to segregation and threaten the values ​​on which Norwegian society is based, says Minister for Children and Families Kjell Ingolf Ropstad (KrF) to Dagbladet. He struggles with Dagbladet’s revelations about foreign funding of Norwegian Muslim denominations. The new religion law, which …

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Courage Chest 2.0 – VG

[ad_1] FAMILY HAPPINESS: Randi (Kristine Riis) and his brother August (Kevin Vågenes) in a sibling dispute. Mother (Brit Elisabeth Haagensli) is looking for coffee. Photo: NRK Even Kevin Vågenes can’t save this. The family of happinessNorwegian commission in ten partsWith: Kristine Riis, Bjørn Hallgeir Myrene, Lea Mathilde Skar-Myren, Eliseo Gautefall …

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IS women on their way home to Sweden

[ad_1] Four Swedish women with ties to the Islamic State and their nine children will now travel home to Sweden. The women have taken refuge from Syria to Turkey, where they were detained. At least two of the women have been smuggled out of the Al-Hol camp in Syria, SVT …

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Far-Right Militias Threaten US Elections | ABC News

[ad_1] While President Donald Trump in the election campaign has targeted what he describes as violent left-wing extremists, the Department of Homeland Security recently declared that white racists and right-wing extremists pose the greatest security threat in the United States. – Violent supporters of white supremacy pose the most persistent …

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