Greta Thunberg Mills against Denmark

[ad_1] On Thursday night, a majority in the Folketing decided that Denmark will not start new exploration drilling in the North Sea, and that oil extraction will be completely phased out by 2050. Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg is still not completely satisfied. She comments on the decision as follows …

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– We feel a bit discriminated against – VG

[ad_1] HOLIDAY HOMES: Norwegians with holiday homes in Sweden are now subject to quarantine when they return home after having visited their cabins overnight. Here from Värmland. Photo: Mars Vike Arnesen 1000 Norwegians with huts in Sweden went to court on Friday to have the quarantine obligation lifted. – It …

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– My mother had to work twice – VG

[ad_1] When three-year-old Gjert Ingebrigtsen lost his father, his mother had to work harder to support him and his siblings. The upbringing shaped the 54-year-old, who had to stand up for himself from the start. Less than 20 minutes ago For the first 13 years of his life, Gjert Ingebrigtsen …

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– Create frustration – VG

[ad_1] TEST PROBLEMS: Over 100 BI students experienced computer problems during the test at home and must retake it. Photo: Trond Solberg Computer problems on home tests cause students to have to retake the tests. 1800 BI students were to be examined on Friday in the course “Financial Accounting and …

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Crown in Sweden: – Statement provokes reactions:

[ad_1] On Thursday, the state epidemiologist in Sweden Anders Tegnell was interviewed on the SVT program “Aktuellt”. There he was asked about the difference between the number of deaths in Sweden and the rest of the countries of the Nordic region. Tegnell began by saying that Norway and Finland are …

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