– Let me be clear

[ad_1] Donald Trump’s press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, will hold a press conference at 11:15 p.m. Norwegian time. This was announced a few minutes before the briefing. Trump was banned from various social media after violent congressional unrest on Wednesday night. He made several messages on Twitter, some of them deleted, …

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13 days to go. This can happen

[ad_1] – The aftermath will also be dramatic, says US expert Svein Melby, principal investigator at the Department of Defense Studies (IFS), to Dagbladet after the shocking scenes Wednesday from Washington DC Thousands of Trump supporters gathered in front of the Capitol to demonstrate against Congressional verification of the election …

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New British Medicine Reduces Corona Mortality – VG

[ad_1] Boris Johnson says that the UK, after clinical trials, approved a new life-saving drug against coronavirus. Published: Just updated – The drug is called Tocilizumab and it will reduce the mortality of a critically ill patient by nearly 25 percent, Boris Johnson said during a news conference Thursday night. …

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Elon Musk is the richest in the world – E24

[ad_1] After Tesla’s promotion on Thursday, the boss surpasses Jeff Bezos. Elon Musk is now the richest man in the world. Wealth: A staggering $ 185 billion. – How strange, write on Twitter. by schemeBRITTA PEDERSEN / POOL / POOL DPA Published: Just updated Report to CNBC Thursday afternoon. Musk …

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– Avoid traveling by public transport this weekend

[ad_1] – Do not travel by public transport unless it is really necessary, and take the weekend trip to the local area. Public transportation employees make every effort to maintain a safe public transportation service for those who must ride public transportation. Ruter writes in a press release Thursday. On …

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The Attack on Congress: – – Like a horror movie

[ad_1] – It was like watching a horror movie, only in reality. “I mean, we train, plan and budget more or less every day to make sure this doesn’t happen,” Kim Dine told the Washington Post. He was head of the congressional police force itself from 2012 to 2016. He …

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The municipality of Gjerdrum has published documents

[ad_1] – There is no one more concerned with finding answers to this than us, because it is our inhabitants who are affected by the disaster.says Mayor Anders Østensen (Labor Party) in a press release. Berit Adriansen, municipal manager for planning and development, says they will make all relevant documents …

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Congress broke in – Ashli ​​was shot dead

[ad_1] Last night Norwegian time a united Congress had to flee and there was total chaos in Washington DC Four people have died and 52 have been arrested. Fourteen police officers were wounded, three of them seriously, when Congress broke in for the first time since 1814. The woman who …

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Minister of the Environment very critical – E24

[ad_1] The contamination that has been occurring at Equinor’s large onshore facilities in Mongstad is so severe that the Norwegian authorities have reported the company to the police. Equinor receives harsh criticism from the main political parties. Illustration image of Mongstad on the outskirts of Bergen see more by schemeHommedal, …

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